February 22, 2025


Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 04/5/04

It’s disappointing that Blogger.com, the guys who basically invented blogs (now owned by Google), don’t showcase the potential of business blogs more prominently with their own service, but they do update Status.Blogger.com sporadically, pertaining to system status issues, and Blogger.com’s homepage is itself a blog, though it likewise appears to be updated only once or twice a month. On the other hand, several folks on Blogger’s management maintain their own blogs, including Evan Williams, Jason Shellon and Biz Stone.


1 comment for Blogger.com

  1. I agree that the Blogger.com blog could be much richer than it is.

    But on the other point, I would definitely include individual blogs that reference and reinforce the work, industry, and/or company within the personal blog within the category of business blogging, in my view.

    This is often a calculated, deliberate strategy since blogs are often expected to be a personal voice to humanize and add depth to a company. Credibility is higher for a personal blog (from an employee) than one hosted by the company on their domain name.

    See, for instance, Robert Scoble’s blog at http://radio.weblogs.com/0001011 Would you not include this as a Microsoft blog? I would. And, it is also happens to be Robert’s blog. Both/and, not either/or.

    Comment by Evelyn Rodriguez — April 15, 2004 @ 4:51 pm

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