February 22, 2025

WebWorld: Building a Blog Marketing and Media Company

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 04/21/04

John Rhodes, of WebWorld.com, writes what may as well be the business plan for Business Blog Consulting. Basically, he describes in some detail how blogs are a great opportunity for businesses, but most businesses are “blog ignorant,” and that therefore there is a good opportunity there for the taking to build a blog consulting company. He writes, ” I would set up this company myself but I have too much on my plate right now.” Well, the truth is, I’m too busy to do this, too, but it seemed like too good an opportunity to pass up, so I’m just foregoing sleep these days.

If this is my business plan, why do I bother linking to it? Well, for one thing, it’s not like John and I are the only ones who have thought of this so far. Griff Wigley is one such blog consultant, but he has thus far concentrated mostly on small businesses in his home state of Minnesota. There are some others also banging this drum who are maybe more direct competitors to me, enough that I don’t feel like linking to them just yet.

More to the point, however, if a significant part of this blog consulting opportunity is blogging for hire, and I think it is, there’s room for a network of blog consultants out there. I already do blog regularly for one client, BizNetTravel, and obviously if I’m doing so for 10 clients, I’ll need a lot of help. So, take a read of John’s essay and if you’re inspired, let’s talk.

Thanks to Rafat for the pointer.

WebWorld: Building a Blog Marketing and Media Company

2 comments for WebWorld: Building a Blog Marketing and Media Company

  1. The most common response to “Are you blogging yet?” is “What’s blogging?” The business blog consulting market is a fledgling, lots of room, few barriers to entry.

    imho, in 2005 the pioneers will be overwhelmed by establishment firms that treat this blogging as just one more set of tools/practices to support. So we have to not only reach wide but dig deep and become prodigiously expert. Raise the barriers!

    Comment by Phil Wolff — April 22, 2004 @ 8:25 am

  2. Thanks for linking to my posting, Rick. I completely agree with Phil Wolff’s posting as well. Now is the time to strike. Don’t delay if you want to start this business!

    Comment by John S. Rhodes — April 23, 2004 @ 7:15 pm

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