March 3, 2025

Blog Business World

Posted by: of on 05/5/04

Wayne Hurlbert has been blogging on the subject of “blogs in business, marketing, public relations, and search engine optimization for successful entrepreneurs” since last October. Is his blog “competition” for mine? Well, it’s a big happy bloggy world out there, so I’m not really worrying about it. He doesn’t seem to be solicitiing consulting business from his blog so directly, which is the stated purpose of my blog. He’s been at it longer, though I think I am on track for more posts per week at this rate. The subject matter is also somewhat different, where he’s offering more how-to stuff, such as his recent post on blog promotion, where I have set myself the sisyphean goal, at least in the near term, of cataloging every example of a business blog I can find. Eventually I’d like to get to more content-oriented posts, too, but in the foreseeable future I seem to believe there’s value in just a big directory of examples of business blogs.

Anyway, Hurlbert is definitely offering value on the subject in his own way, so check it out. While you’re at it, check out his roller derby blog. (Whatever.)


5 comments for Blog Business World

  1. I think it totally rocks (a) that you use your blog to get business with and (b) you’re so transparent about it.

    I despise the whole “blogs should remain uncommercial” schtick.

    Comment by hugh macleod — May 6, 2004 @ 10:25 am

  2. Hey Rick.

    We are certainly not in “competition”, and even if we were, there is more than enough business to go around.

    In fact, your idea of a huge directory of business blogs will serve you well in Google as a “hub site”. Now, if I were in competition with you, I would never tell you that. LOL

    Most of my business is in the form of freelance writing and search engine optimization. Those are not your areas of business anyway, since you are more purely marketing oriented.

    I want to help as many bloggers as possible, to be successful, in achieving their business and personal goals.

    Comment by Wayne Hurlbert — May 6, 2004 @ 4:45 pm

  3. I am new to blogs but an experienced business consultant. Where should I start learning about blogs?

    Comment by Greg Balanko-Dickson — May 14, 2004 @ 8:23 pm

  4. Rick, I think you’re onto something here. Last 6 months I developed a successful personal blog, but starting this week, I’ll be standing up a bizblog, based on that learning, then later two more bizblogs. Your site will be very helpful.

    Comment by Denny — May 16, 2004 @ 7:47 am

  5. Wayne,

    Here is as good of a place as any.

    Comment by Rick Bruner — May 18, 2004 @ 7:18 pm

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