March 31, 2025

What Features Would You Like to See in a Blog Publishing Platform?

Posted by: of on 07/28/04

Folks, I’m working up to something here, but meanwhile I thought I’d just put a question out to you all to tell me what features you wish your blog publishing platform or any blog publishing platform, for that matter, would include in a feature release.

This is a basically a call for whining about the shortcomings of the tools on the market. What, also, are features you think need fixing?

Leave replies in the comments field, and please note what platform you currently use. Thanks!

4 comments for What Features Would You Like to See in a Blog Publishing Platform?

  1. Being in the middle of a contemplated switch from Movable Type to something else (likely ExpressionEngine), I’ve looked at a lot of other programs in the process (TextPattern, WordPress, Drupal, etc.). The one biggest missing ingredient in all of them is a clear, layman’s level “how to” set of instructions to get started and enable the features/functions of any program. I build and maintain Web sites and it’s still a steep learning curve for me. It’s no surprise services like TypePad succeed through bypassing this particular challenge.

    Comment by Gary — July 29, 2004 @ 5:39 am

  2. I use typepad. Would like to see the ability to create sub categories.

    Comment by pieman — July 29, 2004 @ 7:13 pm

  3. I also use TypePad and would like them to add subcategory and the ability to more easily change the “Category” name to other names depending on the Blog.

    Comment by DTD — August 6, 2004 @ 6:05 pm

  4. RSS feeds by category.

    RSS feed for individual posts.

    Archive listings by author.

    Custom field for custom CSS not included in a template engine (like TypePad). So I can use the engine but then pop in my own little bit of custom CSS in the stylesheet if I have more specific needs.

    Integrated newsletter – take BlogIt one step further.

    Instant registration option for new authors.

    Hope this helps!

    Comment by Andy — August 8, 2004 @ 7:25 pm

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