February 22, 2025

Politics and Political Blogs

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Whatever your political persuasion — right, left, or center — the blogosphere is a great place for bloggers to share their political views and make plenty of friends and enemies. We try to follow the conservative, liberal, and everything in between of politics and political blogs/blogging — but only when it intersects with business blogging.

Have a read below of our latest entries on politics and political blogging…

Om Malik: Technorati Gets Fed VC Dollars

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/24/04
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Business 2.0’s senior writer Om Malik reports that Technorati, the popular blog search engine and tracking service, has taken $6.5 million in VC funding lead by Draper Fisher Jurvetson. Steve Rubel and Matthew Podboy mull over what it means for PR professionals and media companies when bloggers, particularly those who are also professional journalists, use their blogs to scoop exclusives, ignoring traditional PR practices such as embargoing news.

Om Malik: Technorati Gets Fed VC Dollars

Evhead: Happy Birthday Blogger

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/24/04
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Thank you, thank you, thank you Blogger, for starting it all. Five years — ages ago, yet the blink of an eye.

Evhead: Happy Birthday Blogger

Signs Never Sleep

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/24/04

SignsNeverSleep.com is the blog of the Lincoln Sign Company, based in Lincoln, New Hampshire. It’s a charming blog, nicely designed (better, frankly, than the company’s main web site, if you ask me), and a neat mix of recently completed examples of the company’s work, a glimpse of the process of sign making in progress and personal news (a weekend hike, what J.D. is reading, a bear sighting, photos of the kids, etc.). J.D. Illes writes me:

We just recently started a weblog as the first stage in a whole redesign of our web-presence.  We are a small, custom-commercial signshop in a small resort community.

I think our blog will be a terrific tool to show our customers what it is we do.  Usually a customer comes by to visit just after we have spilled paint all over their sign by accident, not when we have just completed a beautiful project.  I am hoping giving them a peek inside our doors on a daily basis will help them get to know us.


J.D. Iles

Thanks for the note, J.D., and best of luck!

Paul Chaney of Radiant Marketing Group read this post and was apparently so interested that he tracked down J.D. of Lincoln Signs for an interview about why he’s blogging.


CNN: Olympians largely barred from blogging

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/23/04

Insanely dumb. Just imagine how much more interest in the Olympics and the Olympians athlete blogs could spur.

CNN: Olympians largely barred from blogging

MediaPost: On Blogocracy and Its Significance

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/20/04

Rock Bruner
Internet consultant

MediaPost columnist Mark Naples doesn’t think that blogs rock, but he thinks that I do. More to the point, he thinks I am “Rock Bruner.”

Okay, I know he doesn’t really think that, as we know each other. The “i” and the “o” are next to each other on the keyboard after all. But I can’t resist mulling over all the personal slogans it suggests:

  • Like a Rock!
  • I rock!
  • Rock on!
  • Rick Rocks ‘n’ rolls!

Okay, it’s not that funny, but it’s been a long week.

As for the premise of his article — that he doesn’t see what the big deal is about blogs — needless to say I disagree. In fact, I’d venture to sound so 1997 as to say he “doesn’t get” blogs. (A sure sign: he thinks they’re pretty much like bulletin boards.) I’d love nothing more than to Fisk the article and point out all the reasons why blogs, and not I, indeed do rock, but I’m behind on a client deadline. So I invite all you other blog boosters to have a go at him.

MediaPost: On Blogocracy and Its Significance

BloggerCon III, Nov. 6, Palo Alto

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/19/04

BloggerCon is back, this time at Stanford University’s Law School, November 6th. Click the link in the headline of this post for details.


Freedom of Music Choice (by Real)

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/19/04
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Real Networks just started this blog to influence spin in the debate over its recent enabling of its downloadable music files to be played on Apple’s proprietary MP3 player iPod. Real is undercutting Apple’s 99 cent MP3s by selling its music library for only 49 cents each.
As usual, it seems that I’ve missed the actual story here (the difference being this time I figured it out, sort of, on my own before a bunch of you left comments here calling me dense). It seems that Real started this site as a petition calling on Apple users to support its effort open up its file format to play on the iPod. But it underestimated the fanaticism of Apple users, some 1,000 of whom signed the petition with vile abuse aimed at Real. Details at Micro Persuasion.


Zach Braff’s Garden State Blog

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/19/04

Zach Braff

I noted the other day that I thought blogs and movies were a great match. Here’s another example: the arty looking film from Fox Search Lights, Garden State, has a blog written by the movie’s star, writer and director, Zach Braff (best known for his role on NBC’s hospital comedy Scrubs). Nice to see that the official movie site links to the blog. I haven’t seen the film yet (though I plan to, set as it is set in my native homeland of suburban New Jersey), but it appears to be popular with both critics and movie goers.


Business Blog Survey

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/19/04

A few weeks ago, I linked to a survey that a student was conducting about business blogging. I haven’t yet heard back what were the results (though I did just send him a follow-up email today asking about it).

Meanwhile, here is another survey by a student on the topic of business bloggging. (That link is for people who have a business blog; if you don’t but you’re interested in the topic, there is another surve here.)

I’ve heard back about the earlier survey I noted. Turns out they still haven’t gotten as many responses as they want, so they’re keeping that survey open. Be a sport, and give a click.


Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/19/04
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This sounds a bit dubious. The site’s funkily formatted homepage explains:

Blogversations are a new way to market. Here’s how it works: Advertisers sponsor bloggers to dicuss a topic or question. Bloggers earn $$. Advertisers engage turned-out audiences.

It continues on from there, but you get the basic idea. The homepage notes “advertorials not encouraged.” Not encouraged? How about not allowed? I’m not going to say this is necessarily evil; I’ll leave that to plenty of the rest of you, I’m sure. Certainly bears watching.


Yahoo Search Blog

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/19/04
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Not to be outdone by Google’s blog, Yahoo just launched its own blog. The first post, a bit of self-congratulations about how great Yahoo’s search is, was written by Jeff Weiner, SVP of Yahoo! Search & Marketplace. From the sound of it, however, others will also join in the blogging:

Be sure to check back here for news about new product introductions, updates and exclusive betas.

In addition, this blog is designed to provide a window into what our team is thinking and doing, in their own words (and maybe some guest bloggers as well).

Above all else we hope this blog enables you to share our excitement for the search industry and what the future holds. 

Powered by Movable Type. Funny that they wouldn’t use Blogger, as it’s free


Comments are turned on and filling up fast.

ClickZ offers additional perspective.


Globe & Mail: Blogs go big business

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/19/04
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More of the usual evangelizism for everyone’s favorite “new” trend.

Globe & Mail: Blogs go big business

Athens2004.com’s Moronic Linking Policy

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/18/04

Hoot! Short of a “Kick Me” sign on your back, nothing quite says “I know nothing about the Internet” and assures that you will be soundly mocked online like an anti-deep linking policy. Apparently the folks behind Athens 2004, the offical site for the current Olympics, still use AOL or have only read about the Internet in airline magazines.

This is so 1996. These kinds of policies are laughably uninforcable — there has never been any legal precedent set in this regard — and they miss the critical point of the a web site: you want people to visit it, and other web sites that call attention to specific valuable content on your site (e.g., bloggers) are doing you a favor.

Just for giggles, here are some of their ridonkulous requirements for linking to pages of their site:

  • “Use the term ATHENS 2004 only, and no other term as the text referent” (emphasis theirs; presumably that excludes terms such as fart or bring back the days of olive-oil slathered naked Oympic athletes!)
  • “[You should] not associate the link with any image, esp. the ATHENS 2004 Emblem” (as shown above left; don’t do that)
  • “Send a request letter to the Internet Department…” (How about you send a letter to my butt instead?)

If you want to tap blogs to help drive more traffic to you site, read this policy statement and then do the opposite. (Oh, and don’t use frames. Frames suck for bloggers trying to link to you. In fact, frames just suck, and have done so for many years.)


Entrepreneur.com: The Bottom Line on Business Blogs

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/18/04
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The basic 411 on biz blogs. Trying to be cute, the writer uses subheads like blog date entries. She gets the reverse chronology right, but that doesn’t really make sense, because the flow of the story is top to bottom, but were the paragraphs at the bottom of the story really written earlier than the top paragraphs with later dates, the story wouldn’t make any sense. Just a gimmick, I realize, but kinda silly.

Entrepreneur.com: The Bottom Line on Business Blogs

Strengthen the Good

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/16/04

Interesting example of the network effect of blogs. The About statement explains:

Using the power of weblogs for open-source charity. Don’t just fight evil: Strengthen the good.
STG is the nexus of a network of bloggers committed to raising awareness for small charities around the world. Every three weeks this space highlights a new “micro-charity”—a small, inspiring charity, one with a real face and where $1 makes a difference—and the bloggers in the network link to that post, sending traffic, and awareness, the charity’s way.


Arianna Huffington’s Blog

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/15/04

Arianna Huffington

Syndicated political columnist Arianna Huffington has been blogging for some months (unfortunately, because she uses the terrible calendar metaphor for the blog’s archives, it’s not easy to tell just how long she has been at it, but it looks like less than a year).


WeatherBug Blog

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/15/04
Ryan Towell

Ryan Towell

WeatherBug Meteorologist Ryan Towell, whose bio informs us “is a former TV meteorologist who earned the American Meteorological Society (AMS) TV Seal of Approval in 2000,” started blogging aptly in the midst of covering Hurrican Charley. He’s been cranking it out in the last few days.


Washington Post: Blog Interrupted

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/15/04
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A morality tale of why it’s a bad idea to blog about your sex life with co-workers, especially when they work for Congress and the White House.

Washington Post: Blog Interrupted

Soap Wire

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/15/04
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Interesting blog focused on the “natural personal care products industry.” As much of the content appears to be straight-up press releases, I wrote the site’s editor for clarification about it. She replied:

Hi Rick,
In answer to your questions…
Most entries on SoapWire are a mixture of both press releases and news articles.
Those opting to submit press releases can do so free (which has a 2 day delay) or opt
to enhance their distribution level (same day/next day) through voluntary financial support.
SoapWire also offers expanded press release distribution options via its Natural News Media division.
There are several forms and levels of advertising on SoapWire- from top Sponsorships to graphical and contextual advertising.
Our target audience encompasses R&D, science, packaging design, marketing, manufacturing, distributors, buyers, company directors and journalists.
I hope this gives you a clearer picture.
Kathy L. Tarbox, Owner/President


Reuters: Livewire: All-You-Can-Eat Headlines Served Online

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 08/15/04
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RSS is new and neato. Et cetera.

Reuters: Livewire: All-You-Can-Eat Headlines Served Online


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