December 20, 2024

Changes at

Posted by: of on 09/29/04

So, I’ve been meaning to write this post for several days, but I’ve been busy. Busy getting ready for a new full-time job. Yes, as a few of you might have already seen here or here or here or elsewhere, I have taken a position at DoubleClick as Research Manager.

Honestly, I’m thrilled. My private consulting was actually going quite well over the last three years, especially this year, but this job is just a great fit for lots of reasons. It will, however, leave me less time for extracurricular blogging. (You can bet one of my first recommendations on the job will be a…blog, but that wouldn’t be extracurricular, now, would it?)

Less time, but not no time. I am pleased with this little resource I’ve started here. I have ended up getting a few reasonable consulting leads out of the blog, though I can’t honestly say that response on that score has been overwhelming. Moreso have been press interviews — I’ve been averaging about two a week on the subject of business blogs for the last few months.

Anyway, instead of walking away from this or updating it with a post here and there every few weeks, I’ve decided to turn it into a modest group blog. A lot of smart folks out there already touch on this topic of business blogs, but most do it in a rather scatter-shot fashion, along with posts on lots of other unrelated topics. A few others also concentrate on this topic (including some of those I link to in my blogroll), but with all due respect none that I follow do it with as much dedication as I think this resource could offer. Therefore, I’ve asked already a couple of other bloggers to pitch in, and I plan to ask two or three others to pitch in over the coming weeks.

So, without further ado, I’m pleased to announce that Steve Rubel of Micro Persuasion and B.L. Ochman of What’s Next will begin blogging here, as soon as they see fit. Steve, as many of you probably know, is a blogging machine, consistently scooping me already on things related to this topic. B.L. is someone I’ve gotten to know personally in the last year or so and have a lot of respect for. They’re both PR professionals, which I don’t hold against them. I’ll try to find some other folks to help out here who come at the topic from a different discipline, so this isn’t doesn’t turn into just another PR blog. (BTW, I’ll update the site shortly, probably over the weekend, to include pointers to them in the left column About This Blog stuff.)

Anyway, thanks to all my many (several?) readers who seem to have found value in this site over the last few months. Anyway, this isn’t goodbye, it’s just hello steady paycheck.

Great news: Todd S. of A Penny For… has also agreed to pitch in.

10 comments for Changes at

  1. You have to pay the bills, and research manager sounds pretty good. I’ve enjoyed your blog and look forward to the new guys. Soon, no one will be talking about blogs; they’ll be like email for business – just part of life. For now, it’s pretty exciting and you’ve provided a great resource, as witnessed by many more business blogs coming on the scene every day.

    Good luck, Rick.

    Comment by Harold Jarche — September 29, 2004 @ 5:20 pm

  2. Being in Two Places at the Same Time

    While I continue blogging away here, I have also been invited along with fellow PR blogger BL Ochman to also occasionally contribute over at Rick Bruner’s Business Blog Consulting site. Rick, an Internet marketing vet, recently joined DoubleClick and has

    Trackback by Micro Persuasion — September 29, 2004 @ 7:08 pm

  3. Thanks Rick – all the best in the new job. I’ve enjoyed your snippets from the blog business world immensely. I already read Micro Persuasion – when I can keep up with him – and look forward to seeing how this ‘blogmeld’ works. Good luck.

    Comment by pieman — September 29, 2004 @ 8:21 pm

  4. Congrats!

    Comment by Ross Mayfield — September 29, 2004 @ 8:41 pm

  5. Congrats! I was wondering where you were…by the way, you have been an awesome resource for me over the past 3 months. I am on a mission to incorporate weblogs, RSS, etc into a really big, really slow moving corporation and religiously have read and used your site for information. Hopefully, someday my experiences will be useful for others not yet using a blog. I don’t think blogs have even scratched the surface of the corporate world and it will be at least 3 years before blogs in the corp world can be considered an everyday thing. I am looking forward to the additional viewpoints that will be appearing on this site. Best of luck!

    Comment by jbr — September 30, 2004 @ 11:34 am

  6. nice. congrats on the job. and the group blogging thing seems to be the way to go.

    Comment by peter caputa — October 1, 2004 @ 2:01 pm

  7. Your link to A Penny For… is bad, Rick. Congrats on the job.

    Comment by Gary Petersen — October 1, 2004 @ 3:15 pm

  8. Congrats, Rick! Best of luck in your new job!

    Comment by Will Pate — October 1, 2004 @ 7:00 pm

  9. Thanks Gary, I fixed it.

    Comment by Rick Bruner — October 3, 2004 @ 9:08 pm

  10. Why is this keep on getting marked unread in my RSS client (netnewswire).. it’s driving me nuts…

    Comment by Mr RSS Reader — October 6, 2004 @ 5:16 pm

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