February 21, 2025

Delta Flight Attendant Grounded for Blogging

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 10/28/04
Queen of the Sky

Ellen Simonetti
Queen of the Sky

BizNetTravel reports on yet another blogger fired (or suspended, anyway) for blogging. In this case, it’s flight attendant Ellen Simonetti, aka Queen of the Sky, who was told by Delta management found some of the photos on her blog “inappropriate.” BizNet snagged this one, which Ellen presumes is the offending one, before she deleted it from her blog.

7 comments for Delta Flight Attendant Grounded for Blogging

  1. Well, I really don’t see were is the problem.

    Comment by Alain STEVENS, cyberdetective — November 1, 2004 @ 5:57 am

  2. It seems to me that Delta is trying to curtain Simonetti’s first amendment rights to free speech! The puritans that be are just being silly about the picture…it’s not as if she did a janet jackson or worse!

    It sounds to me like someone at Delta had it in for her…perhaps a jealous colleague. Perhaps Delta was just looking for any ole excuse to get rid of her…didn’t they just cut several thousand other jobs? I wonder how many of them probably have blogs, too.

    As for me I have a blog as well as a website for my romance fiction. Nothing overly spicy but who knows whether someone may deem Harlequin-esque love stories “inappropriate”…maybe I’d better severely edit my work to where it’s about as interesting as reading the label on a can of baked beans! As the british would say, not bloody likely.

    Comment by sabrina — November 22, 2004 @ 6:11 am

  3. Delta has over reacted. Asking her to pull
    the photo and then Firing her anyway is cruel.
    I have 3 Million miles with Delta. Shame on
    It’s not as though she was in Playboy.

    Comment by Andy Werner — November 22, 2004 @ 2:42 pm

  4. Fired Delta Blogger Tells All

    The “Queen of the Sky,” a Delta Airlines employee who was recently fired over photos she posted on her weblog, gives the full skinny to CNET on her side of the story.

    Trackback by Micro Persuasion — December 15, 2004 @ 7:06 am

  5. Shame on them…the pictures just show a cute girl just having fun. In fact if you know how to get information about a Delta’s Flight attendant that I met during my flight from Brussels to JFK please let me know, unfortunately all that I have is the date and flight number…shame on me…

    Comment by Aldo — April 19, 2006 @ 8:38 am

  6. what’s wrong with that picture?… or maybe there still more private photos that causes problem?

    Comment by bonniecool — June 13, 2006 @ 8:37 pm

  7. […] PS: this reminds me of another story. A Delta Airlines flight attendant was already fired for posting on her blog a picture of her in a plane…This is one more reason why you should never fly Delta Airlines. Delta Airlines is an awful company and here´s why. […]

    Pingback by Jeremy Fain - “Tech IT Easy” » Petite Anglaise, a British secretary in Paris, fired..BECAUSE OF BLOGGING! — August 16, 2006 @ 11:00 am

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