February 21, 2025

Chicago Trib: Fake Blogs, True Buzz

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 10/11/04

Passes the Bruner sniff test: it must be a good article, because it quotes me.

General examination of some fake blogging efforts by various marketing agencies, with mixed results. One thing it neglects to note about the central blog in the article, Beta-7: this stunt is more than a year old. Also notes the blatant gaffe by Warner Bros. in having someone from PR litter a blog’s comments section with praise for a new MP3 preview of a band Warner Bros. was backing (d’oh!).

It also quotes Jason McCabe Calacanis with his favorite peeve, that a blog isn’t really a blog if it doesn’t have comments turned on (which is just a transparent attempt to differentiate his Weblogs, Inc. publishing empire from his rival Gawker Media, which doesn’t turn on comments on their blog; my response to which is, so InstaPundit and Boing Boing aren’t really blogs?)

Chicago Trib: Fake Blogs, True Buzz

1 comment for Chicago Trib: Fake Blogs, True Buzz

  1. Fakers, Revealers and Storytellers

    Viral and buzz marketing theory are still dominating my attention, and in the past couple of weeks there’s been a resurgence of debate about one of our previous projects (Beta-7 for SEGA) and headscratching-fascination at our most recent viral narrativ…

    Trackback by ReveNews: Brian Clark — October 21, 2004 @ 12:13 pm

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