February 22, 2025

Business Blog Consulting Companies

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 12/17/04

When I first started this site, my main interest was really just to catalog examples of business weblogs and generally to comment on the trend. I threw the word “consulting” in the domain name mainly because basic permutations of BusinessBlog.com were already registered. I was making my living at that time as a web marketing consultant, so I though what the heck, maybe I’d pick up a bit of consulting work out of it as a perk, which sounded fun. In fact, aside from a few minor engagements, mostly which were pass-through to a weblog designer friend, I didn’t have much consulting out of it. (I did write a business blog for a travel agent friend for a while, and he did pay me for it, so there was also that.) Now I have a full-time job as a market researcher, so I’m really not interested in persuing the consulting part of business blogs, though I do still enjoy tracking the trend.

I’ve watched with interest, however, as various other folks have set up blog consulting businesses. I don’t have much insight into what success they’ve achieved in that, but I figured I’d round up some links. If you know of others, feel free to advise. (Note: I check comments more often than the dedicated Gmail address for this site.)

If you do want to recommend others (like your own), please try to have actual clients for this and not just hype your intensions as a blogging freelancer.

53 comments for Business Blog Consulting Companies

  1. Rick,
    You’re a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you for listing me among that esteemed group. I greatly appreciate it.


    Comment by Paul Chaney — December 17, 2004 @ 12:46 pm

  2. My company GoodBasic does organizational (including business) blog consulting, but we’re really a professional services firm. This is based on Brad Feld’s definition of consulting vs. professional services, which works for me.

    Comment by Will Pate — December 17, 2004 @ 12:56 pm

  3. Hey Rick,

    The question of “will there be blog consultants that we hire” came up today at the AMA HotTopic Blog Seminar (see you in NYC BTW), to which I answered “yes.” I base this a fundamental of emerging markets which is money and competition. If there are people making money, there will be competition, when you have competition, you have an industry (in simple form)

    That being said, a blog consulting website does not a business make. I have had several (just broke double digits) inquiries for blog consulting, and with a full time ++ day job, doing this on the side with a client at a time has been golden.

    IMHO, there is, and will continue to be growth in the blog consultant space. As I listen to the questions from the AMA folks here, there will need to be experts to guide the process.

    Having been involved in such niche items as search, google advertising, information architecture, CRM & SFA, and other corporate initiatives I see that there will be plenty of room in this very niche space that we occupy.

    Your thoughts?

    Comment by Dana VanDen Heuvel — December 17, 2004 @ 3:00 pm

  4. Thanks for the note, Dana. I’m looking forward to meeting you in NY, too. My feeling is that there will be some opportunity in it, but not that much to be a sustainable business. Basically, there’s the set-up and design, about a day’s training, if that, and some hand-holding, presuming someone internal is going to do the blogging.

    In fact, however, the best corporate bloggers are probably going to be grown organically from inside of the organization and are going to need little to no need for outside help because they’ll come to it the way we have all come to it: they read blogs, they get curious, a friend shows them the basics or they just figure it out, they fall in love with it and they’re off and running. The whole point of blogging is it’s dead easy. Yes, there is a bit of a learning curve, mostly along the lines of not referring to individual posts as “blogs” or resisting the temptation to flame someone and then regret it, etc. But not really that much for sustained consulting.

    On the other hand, there will be outsourced bloggers — actually hiring someone else to maintain your blog. That will be something of a business for some people, but unless those people get hired (like the woman writing for Stonyfield Farm, who was hired explicitly for that purpose) it will probably ring a bit hollow or forced to have someone outside of your organization blogging on your behalf. Much better that the organization organically internalizes it.

    Of course, this should really be a service for PR agencies to master (like email newsletters and search marketing), but we all know the odds of that happening are pretty slim.

    Comment by Rick Bruner — December 17, 2004 @ 3:28 pm

  5. Rick, InsideBlogging is an exclusive blog consulting company, it’s all we do. We’ve only been around for a few weeks, but we’re just about to announce our 5th client – a Fortune 500 company.

    We’re very excited to watch this market grow, and definitely appreciate your input and wisdom 🙂

    Comment by Jeremy C. Wright — December 17, 2004 @ 3:28 pm

  6. Rick, thank you so much for the linkback. Cheers!

    Comment by Andy Wibbels — December 17, 2004 @ 4:59 pm

  7. The blog is just one more tool for many consultants – performance consultants, marketing consultants, management consultants. What they are selling are analytical abilities and experience in various situations.

    Consulting ain’t changed much with blogs 😉

    Comment by Harold Jarche — December 17, 2004 @ 5:17 pm

  8. Also:

    # B.L. Ochman
    # Wigley & Associates
    # LexBlog
    # b-spirit
    # Albrycht McClure & Partners Communications
    # PR Planet
    # Dryden Marketing Group
    # Voce Communications
    # CooperKatz & Company, Inc.

    Comment by Constantin Basturea — December 17, 2004 @ 8:01 pm

  9. Thanks Constantin,

    Wigley & Associates was one I definitely meant to include. I’ll check our the rest of those this weekend and update accordingly.


    Comment by Rick Bruner — December 17, 2004 @ 10:21 pm

  10. Dear All

    This is in fact a very useful list – thank you. I do not have a business running yet, but I have helped several companies already implementing weblogs. The name for the company I’m starting is Connecta. No website yet �

    One thought – as I see it we are not competitors, we are colleagues and we have a common interest in building and establishing the market. What about establishing a network, a group weblog, an association of business blog consultancy consultants 🙂

    Just an idea.

    We could share “best practice�, cases, methods, create seminars, workshops a. o.

    What is your thoughts?

    Best regards
    Hans Henrik

    Comment by Hans Henrik — December 18, 2004 @ 11:52 pm

  11. Who Will Help Businesses Blog?

    “The best corporate bloggers are probably going to be grown organically from inside of the organization and are going to need little to no need for outside help because they’ll come to it the way we have all come to…

    Trackback by AdPulp — December 20, 2004 @ 10:11 am

  12. I agree with Harold above that blogs are just one more tool for the marketing consultant to offer.

    I currently do maintain blogs for a few customers, in addition to running SEM, online community outreach and direct email programs for them. Blogging is part of my service offering.

    And while I get info fed to me by insiders, they simply don’t have the bandwidth to do daily blogging. Maybe eventually they’ll try to move it inside, but for now they’re happy with paying me to blog for them. The best example of one of these blogs is here:

    Comment by Elisa Camahort — December 20, 2004 @ 5:27 pm

  13. Sorry. Here’s the blog I tried to reference:

    Comment by Elisa Camahort — December 20, 2004 @ 5:28 pm

  14. Business Blog Consulting Companies

    Rick Bruner is compiling a list of Business Blog Consulting Companies, and he’s already got a formidable list. It’s quite a testament to the medium that so many people are starting to make a living using weblogs, and we’d of…

    Trackback by Six Apart Professional Network — December 20, 2004 @ 6:38 pm

  15. my favorite blog consultant: Roland Tanglao


    Comment by enoch choi — December 20, 2004 @ 7:50 pm

  16. Thanks for the mention of LexBlog. Your blog is well respected by everyone in the business blogging community so it’s an honored to be included.

    We’ve carved out a nice niche at LexBlog, that being a turnkey professional marketing blog solution for the legal profession. Professional service firms establish their brand via the expertise of their employees. This requires getting the expert employees in front of the company’s target audience as often as possible.

    Traditionally this meant writing, seminars and interviews with trade publications. Blogs do all of these things directly and at a much faster rate with the content archived in the world’s ‘go to’ place for information – the Internet. My guess is we’ll see a lot more companies doing something similar to LexBlog in other verticals.

    Merry Christmas.

    – Kevin

    Comment by Kevin O'Keefe — December 20, 2004 @ 9:42 pm

  17. Helping businesses create and exploit blogging communities

    As an online communications agency, we are constantly asked about weblogs and blogging by our large clients. A lot of what we advise is repeated on this blog – i.e. businesses need blogging communities. But I’m wondering how we can give these companies…

    Trackback by Niall Cook's Marketing Technology Blog — December 21, 2004 @ 1:04 am

  18. Consulting companies

    b-spirit.com is referenced by Rick E. Bruner (Business Blog Consulting) among 15 other blog consulting businesses. Thank you Rick!

    Trackback by b-spirit.com — December 21, 2004 @ 5:09 am

  19. Great list, and very cool of you to publish it. Now, how can I get on it? 🙂

    Comment by Jim Kukral — December 21, 2004 @ 7:40 pm

  20. The Business Blog Consulting Bandwagon

    Rick Bruner of Business Blog Consulting has created a master (so far) list of business blog consulting companies. The following of which was lifted directly from his entry. Albrycht McClure & Partners Big Blog Company BlogSavant BloggingWorks BlogSite…

    Trackback by BlogKits — December 21, 2004 @ 8:13 pm

  21. Thanks Rick. Textura Design, the parent company of Clip-n-Seal just built the Blog Business Summit and has more clients and blogs in the que.

    Comment by -b- — December 23, 2004 @ 8:40 am

  22. Business Blog Consulting Companies

    How does it all start with Business Blog Consultants. Rick Bruner is compiling a list of Business Blog Consulting Companies, and he’s already got a formidable list. It’s quite a testament to the medium that so many people are starting…

    Trackback by 1-888-Motels.com — December 23, 2004 @ 10:19 am

  23. A nice Business blog for “Business Opportunities” is Business-Opportunites.biz. Dane, built what seems to be a huge resource center that many entrepreneurs can relate to on a day to day basis.

    As far as consulting is concern, Jeremy Wright is an example ensight.org

    Comment by Geoffrey Gonzalez — December 23, 2004 @ 10:33 am

  24. Be the best darned Technical Consultant Ever!

    There are many assumptions on what makes a ‘good’ Technical Consultant. The most common common assumption is that – he/she is ‘the expert’ on the technical topic. That is plain bull@#$%!. Technology changes so fast that if we hold that assuption t…

    Trackback by ContractBrains — December 26, 2004 @ 12:19 pm

  25. Business Blogs


    Trackback by Lance Tracey — December 27, 2004 @ 6:29 pm

  26. Great conversation and thanks to Rick for initiating it. It is clear to me that blogs have caught the attention of smart marketers and business leaders, and while I agree with Rick that blog consulting is a pretty dicey business right now. It just takes too much time to show execs what blogs are, show them how it would be benificial for their business and get them to sign on. And once they see how easy it is to set-up and maintain there is not a lot of money in it. That said, I believe that there is a big near term opportunity. As blogs continue to evolve and businesses dive in there will be some great successes and some huge failures. Smart businesses rely on the expertice of ad agencies to create and place ads, pr companies to deal with the media and in the next year to 18 months I believe that they will be seeking the advice and counsel of Blog agencies. I think that there will be more than enough room for all of us to compete and be profitable and hope that we take Hans’ advice and continue to update the list of consultants. All the best to all of you in 2005-

    Will Seccombe

    Comment by Will Seccombe — December 27, 2004 @ 8:18 pm

  27. I am new to the internet marketing community, but lucky for me I am now working with some experianced professionals. Although I can almost always pester one of them to give me answers these people are busy for the most part. My question is this, how are these simple weblogs or blogs if you will becoming such an important thing these days. What is there significance and what do they do for my company. I know that if I keep reading and searching I will find the answer but I am interested in your thoughts as well. Personally they seem to be more of a pain to keep up than anything else but like I said, I’m new and most certinly I am just missing something. By the way the link below is belongs to the people I am working with and I definitly don’t want my inexperience to reflect on them.

    Comment by Consulting Clicks — December 31, 2004 @ 2:30 pm

  28. Nice idea. From your marketing perspective, you know that content and presentation are key. My firm, Sonnet Media, advises organizations and implements creative ideas on content and delivery, of which blogs or blogging oriented CMS are a central aspect.

    Not only would I love to be on your list, I would love to hear from other firms in the biz for partnering opportunities to share and build upon respective strengths.

    Bud Parr

    Comment by Bud Parr — January 11, 2005 @ 5:18 pm

  29. Business blogs are clearly going to become more popular so it seems obvious there will be some conference or seminar activity for this segment.
    Do you know of any good ones planned for this year?

    Comment by Mike Adkinson — January 23, 2005 @ 1:11 pm

  30. Other Business Blog Consulting Companies

    Rick E. Bruner has put together a nice list of business blog consulting companies.

    Trackback by BlogLogic.net — February 23, 2005 @ 3:04 pm

  31. My partner and I work with solo professionals to create integrated marketing strategies which include blogs. We recently taught a very succesful teleprogram with 20 professionals who created blogs. Now we’re writing a step-by-step tutorial. Our blog is at http://www.buildabetterblog.com

    Comment by Denise Wakeman — March 17, 2005 @ 7:16 pm

  32. Two agencies to watch:

    1. Nebo. Find them at Nebogroup.com. They’re hitting the pavement hard with their latest ad campaign via Adsense. Supposedly they do blog implementations as part of their integrated marketing approach. Personally, I get the sense they are trying to tap into the idea of blog consulting while its still early in the acceptance phase.

    2. My own operation, BlogOps, which can be found at http://www.blogops.squarespace.com. It is only days old but I have been researching blogging for two years now. There are some ideas and insights I want to introduce to the blogging/entreprenuerial set, and hopefully I will leave a trail of high profile microbrands along the way.

    Comment by Tyler West — April 18, 2005 @ 4:10 am

  33. Business Blog Consulting Companies

    How does it all start with Business Blog Consultants. Rick Bruner is compiling a list of Business Blog Consulting Companies, and he’s already got a formidable list. It’s quite a testament to the medium that so many people are starting…

    Trackback by Hispanic Business Info — April 18, 2005 @ 7:27 pm

  34. Business book´s summaries free to download !!

    Learn and share with your friends and family. Knowledge Management, New Economy, Coaching, e-business, Modern management, Offshore Strategies, Strategic Thinking, Marketing, Franchising, Entrepreneurship,Mergers and Adquisitions, Business articulations, Learn How to Negotiate, Trends, Business Models, The Attention Economy, The Experience Economy, and so much more !!


    warmest regards,

    Andrea Paredes von Roth
    Business Engineer
    Economist & MBA

    Comment by Andrea von Roth — April 28, 2005 @ 4:44 pm

  35. I found that this BBConsulting is really help me learn a lot about business.

    Thanks BBC ^^

    Comment by lilikhh — June 9, 2005 @ 12:37 am

  36. I’m an internet consultant based out of Portland Oregon, and I’m seeing more and more convergence of the website and blog when it comes to new site design.

    I’ve found I find myself building and impementing blogs instead of “websites” these days. Since early 2005, I suppose I’m a blog consultant, and would be quite pleased to be listed here…

    thanks for the consideration,

    Comment by Scott Hendison — January 10, 2006 @ 4:15 pm

  37. […] Business Blog Consulting Companies : Business Blog Consulting   […]

    Pingback by » Business Blog Consulting Companies : Business Blog Consulting — January 10, 2006 @ 4:20 pm

  38. Along with general blog consulting, there are opportunities to apply search engine optimization tactics for additional exposure for blogs. SEO makes it even easier for readers to find your content.

    My company offers such blog marketing services. In doubt? Search Google or Yahoo for “blog marketing” and you’ll find our blog at #1. Online Marketing Blog.

    Comment by Lee Odden — February 12, 2006 @ 2:50 pm

  39. Please add my newest offering to this page please? KowaBunga! Blog Services at http://www.business-blog.com.

    Comment by Jim Kukral — February 15, 2006 @ 11:00 pm

  40. Please add our services as well – http://corpblog.shadowbox.com

    Thanks in advance,

    Patrick Dodd

    Comment by Patrick Dodd — March 19, 2006 @ 2:27 pm

  41. Been following your blog a long time – but I’ve been so focused on your great content, I didn’t realize you had this list.

    We’ve been consulting with clients a long time on blogs and new media, in general, and would like to be added to your list. See us at http://www.marcominteractive.com

    Thanks for maintaining this list and the opportunity to request to be included!

    Comment by Linda Zimmer — April 1, 2006 @ 1:34 pm

  42. I started a blog consulting business with my wife in January – we felt that there were few bloggers that had taken this route, but a lot of marketers who were attempting to pitch themselves as blogging experts.

    Both of us have been blogging for several years, and yes, we have clients. It would be great to be added to the list, but our focus has been on local businesses and personal contacts.

    Comment by James Durbin — April 4, 2006 @ 9:48 am

  43. Hi Rick,
    This is a great list! Can you put me on it? My company is called, ‘The Blogging Avatar’ and you can find me at: http://www.avatar.squarespace.com
    I’m specializing in business blogging.
    Nancy R.

    Comment by Nancy Rossiter — April 18, 2006 @ 1:20 pm

  44. Hi Rick

    Although our company specializes in the area of Reputation Intelligenceâ„¢, we do offer products and services in the area of business blogging, specifically in the area of helping businesses monitor and mitigate attacks on their most valued asset — their reputation.

    I would personally appreciate if you could add our business to your list.

    I urge any business looking for a brand/reputation monitoring solution to visit our flagship products website at http://www.RepuTrace.com



    Comment by Joseph Fiore — May 17, 2006 @ 9:06 am

  45. My company, Bloggyland.com , does not sell consultancy services directly, rather we are a professional web publishing software company. We are a tool that consultants can use in other words.

    Am a degreed marketer myself and have been involved with advertising and communications for ten years. Our pre-configured CMS packages make it much easier, and more affordable, than it has been before now for consultants and/or their clients to deploy their services and strategies. We have very dedicated and friendly support services, too.

    Comment by Caleb — July 24, 2006 @ 6:00 pm

  46. Can please advise where I can find bloggers
    discussing on big companies bullying small ones. The reason is this: small companies need a stage to get the big companies to comply to contracts. They know the small just dont have the financial muscles to fight back. A blogg would help.

    Comment by Eddy Tan — July 30, 2006 @ 2:00 am

  47. Hi, we recently launched our website called pickaproject.co.uk. We would really appreciate it if you would link our website as “Find Business Consultants and Outsource Work” – we are a marketplace marketplace for consultants and companies to network.


    Comment by Darren Penfold — August 14, 2006 @ 8:21 am

  48. Rick, can you add us, BusinessBlogHive, a NewDrone venture?

    We do more than consult. We’re full-service, cradle to success.

    We build blogs for small business and start-ups. We focus on extremely affordable blogs using the WordPress platform, customized to the client’s needs.

    Some of our clients are:

    Comment by Tom Bailey — September 3, 2006 @ 9:29 pm

  49. […] Rick Bruner is compiling a list of Business Blog Consulting Companies, … Rick Bruner of Business Blog Consulting has created a master (so far) list of … More… […]

    Pingback by Blogging » Blog Archive » IT Conversations: Blogging for Business — September 4, 2006 @ 4:00 pm

  50. Hey Rick/Community

    I have a potential opportunity for someone in the community. Im a recruiter in Seattle and Im currently working on a search for a high profile client in this area who’s looking to hire a someone for a leadership role to help change the way they connect with customers!

    This lead role will be responsible for strategy, planning and execution for videocast evangelism and a team of global evangelist. They need to very well versed in the current wave of consumer technologies, industry trends, and competition.

    A passion for blogging, wikis, and social software is critical.Strong digital video filming and production skills are required as the team will shoot, edits, and produces its own video on site.

    You must have a passion for generating excitement in the technology enthusiast community – both in person and through online media.

    If anyone is interested, give me a shout or if you know someone who would be a great fit, let me know.

    Thanks in advance,

    Craig [craigcam@gmail.com]

    P.S. My apologies in advance Rick if this was a totally in appropriate post.

    Comment by craig — September 11, 2006 @ 2:38 pm

  51. hi, we have started a blog hosting & consulting business für newbies and small businesses based on wordpress. we offer a large range of features for pennies. presently only in german language, english version with support located in the US will earley next year.


    Comment by meinhard — September 17, 2006 @ 1:01 pm

  52. Add me to the list if you can. After spending the last year evangelizing about blogging and beging asked tohelp people with small businesses set up their blogs, I decided there was a market for this service. And yes, I do have paying vlients.

    Comment by Dave — September 17, 2006 @ 9:12 pm

  53. I guess I’m a little late for this party, but if you’re still adding links to blog consultants my company name is Minerva Solutions, url is http://www.minerva-inc.com.

    Blogging is just one of the blades in my Swiss Army knife of services. I do a lot of work with authors and those trying to establish themselves as thought leaders. Blogging is a great addition to the other work that they do.


    Comment by Andrea Harris — September 27, 2006 @ 8:18 am

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