March 28, 2025

Politics and Political Blogs

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Whatever your political persuasion — right, left, or center — the blogosphere is a great place for bloggers to share their political views and make plenty of friends and enemies. We try to follow the conservative, liberal, and everything in between of politics and political blogs/blogging — but only when it intersects with business blogging.

Have a read below of our latest entries on politics and political blogging…

John Battelle: Googler Blogs, Then UnBlogs

Posted by: of on 01/27/05
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Yet another great object lesson in the dangers of business blog, or "When Bloggers Attack." John Battelle tells the story of a blogger at Google writing some things he shouldn’t have (like how drunk his sales collegues got at a sales conference, various business secrets, etc.) and then editing the posts on the advice of management, but not before they were achived forever on Yahoo, which Battelle helpfully points out. Best part: one of the offending posts was deliciously titled " first day on the job, first post on the blog." A more recent post entitled "end of an exciting day" writes:

i suppose the biggest lesson was how fast information travels nowadays. …

second lesson was that in today’s blogosphere, speculation runs
rampant. i suppose i should’ve anticipated this one as well, but i
hadn’t learned the previous lesson yet, so i didn’t really think too
many people other than my friends would be reading this thing. oops!



Not suprisingly, this blogger is no longer employed by Google.

John Battelle: Googler Blogs, Then UnBlogs

Earthlink’s Protection Blog

Posted by: of on 01/19/05

Earthlink has recently launched the Protection Blog to help customers battle spam, spyware, viruses and other dangers of online life. It’s a great example of using a blog for customer service on a particular theme (mission statement post) of interest to your customers that isn’t simply talking about how great your product is.

Earthlink’s Protection Blog

Two Great Articles From Fortune on Blogs and Marketing

Posted by: of on 01/19/05

I’m behind the times on these two articles from Fortune on marketing and blog trends, but they’re both so good I’m still happy to link to them:

The first story above is only a few days old and is mainly based on insightfly quotes from Steve Hayden, vice chairman of New York-based Ogilvy & Mather about how advertisers should understand blogs. The second link is actually shameful on my part that I post it so late, as it’s three weeks old (I was on vacation when it was published) and it is simply the most thoughtful analysis of the business blog trend I’ve read to date.

MarketingStudies: Unleash the Marketing and Publishing Power of RSS

Posted by: of on 01/18/05

Rok Hrastnik has just produced a huge study on RSS and its power for both marketing and publishing. Price: $39.95. He sent me a preview copy, but I confess to having been too busy lately to have given it proper attention, so I’m just going to rip off what my pal Tig over at MarketingVox said about it:

European e-marketer Rok Hrastnik spent the last year or two researching
an exhaustive review of syndication technology on the web, finally
releasing to
a 550-page definitive ebook on RSS and the marketing uses of
syndication. The advance copy sent to MarketingVOX is written in a
detached, rational tone, in some contrast to the sales pages’ hard sell
copy. Of particular interest will be the technical background
information and the near comprehensive set of interviews of industry
figures, which serves as an indication as to where RSS is heading and
what significance it has to marketers and publishers.

MarketingStudies: Unleash the Marketing and Publishing Power of RSS

Wal-Mart Needs a Blog

Posted by: of on 01/13/05

Filed under "This Site Needs a Blog," USA Today reports today Wal-Mart is trying to address its critics more directly with a new public openness. So far, that has taken the form of an open letter from CEO H. Lee Scott in 100 newspapers and planned TV and radio show interviews, as well as a new web site Notably, however, the site does not feature a blog.

AMA Hot Topics Weblog

Posted by: of on 01/11/05
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The American Marketing Association has just launched this blog to support its seminar series Blogs: Marketing Beyond the Website. (BTW, the NY event on January 21st, in which I will be participating, is filling up nicely, I’m pleased to say.) Dana VanDen Heuvel, who set up the blog, describes its mission this way in an email to the group of authors:

The AMA blog can be characterized as a vehicle for promoting the event, a clearinghouse for marketing weblog related topics, an overall ‘drive-to’ engine for the seminars, and a repository for "blogging from the seminar’ type content.  All while being geared toward MARKETERS.  What this blog is not is another blog about blogging for the sake of blogging. I know, that’s pretty narrow in focus, but that’s why we originally created the weblog.  Further, it stands to reason that a seminar, on the topic of weblogs, by the de facto organization of record for marketing, should have its own blog.

For anyone in the NY area interested, a group of us will be getting together for dinner after the event. Details on Church of the Customer.


Worst Companies for Bloggers to Work For

Posted by: of on 01/11/05

Appropriate that Fortune just announced its Best Companies to Work For list, as Dana VanDen Heuvel and the Bloggers’ Rights Blog have both just published black lists of companies that are especially unsympathetic to bloggers (usually in the form of firing them for blogging).

Gizmodo: Bill Gates Interview

Posted by: of on 01/11/05
Big geek, little geek

Big geek, little geek:
Gizmodo editor Joel Johnson with
Bill ‘G-money’ Gates

Another sign of the times and validation for how seriously some businesses take blogs. Major score for Gawker Media’s Gizmodo: Microsoft approached them about an interview with G-Money himself, Bill Gates.  Much of the conversation in this first-installment of the serialized interview is about blogs and RSS. Big congrats to my man Joel Johnson, Gizmodo’s editor. (I bet Pete Rojas is just sick over this!)

Gizmodo: Bill Gates Interview

Six Apart: Guide to Comment Spam

Posted by: of on 01/7/05

Six Apart, maker of the popular blog softwares Movable Type, TypePad and most recently Live Journal (via an acquisition just announced) has taken a true blog “industry” leadership position in battling the vexing problem of comment spam. Their latest line of defense is this detailed document describing how spammers attack and how bloggers (using various blog publishing systems) can best respond. I haven’t read all the way through this yet, but it looks like such a useful resource, I thought I’d post it immediately.

Six Apart: Guide to Comment Spam

FT: Niche Appeal of the Blogging Business

Posted by: of on 01/7/05
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Yet another story about whether blogs are going to turn media and advertising on its head. I have to say, I am disappointed by this piece. The writer was trying to interview me, but we never connected. It just seems poorly edited, with some obvious factual errors (such as calling Henry Copeland the CEO of DailyKos, when he is the CEO of BlogAds), starting paragraph with “Nor” where it doesn’t make sense semantically or grammatically, and stating as a fact that “blogs offer…soaring incomes,” among other dubious points. But I’ll spare the nit-picking. Nothing much of interest to regular followers of this trend, and nothing about blogs as a customer-communications or marketing vehicle, just blogs as a publishing/advertising medium.

FT: Niche Appeal of the Blogging Business

GM Fastlane Blog

Posted by: of on 01/6/05

Ka-boom! This is a biggie in the world of business blogs. Bob Lutz, Vice Chairman of General Motors, is the blogger. Whoa. Props to Steve Hall of Adrants, where I first saw the link. He wrote something more thoughtful: read that.

This on the heels of GM’s Smallblock Engine blog.


ClickZ: MWW Debuts Blog Marketing Practice

Posted by: of on 01/5/05

Blog consulting has apparently gone big-time. ClickZ reports:

Interpublic-owned PR firm MWW Group today launched a Web log marketing practice. Blog 360 will advise clients on strategies to create, participate in, monitor, and advertise in blogs.

"We’ve formed a specialty practice area around blogs, but we really believe they are an important part of any communications plan," said Alissa Blate, MWW Group’s EVP and director of consumer marketing.

Blog 360 will be a component of MWW’s Marketing-360 approach, which supports brands through multiple audience contact points. Depending on a client’s needs, MWW’s plan might include creating a CEO blog for reputation and branding benefits, or a tech blog for information, Blate said. Blog monitoring will likely be a part of any plan, she added.

Ironically, I can’t find anything about it on MWW’s own site, which like so many agency sites is all in Flash and hence very hard to navigate. I can’t even find anything about their "Marketing-360 approach" referred to in the story. Dare I suggest, their site could use a <cough> blog </cough>?

ClickZ: MWW Debuts Blog Marketing Practice

Pew Internet: The State of Blogging

Posted by: of on 01/4/05

The Pew Internet & American Life Project has a new report on the blogosphere:

By the end of 2004 blogs had established themselves as a key part of online culture. Two surveys by the Pew Internet & American Life Project in November established new contours for the blogosphere: 8 million American adults say they have created blogs; blog readership jumped 58% in 2004 and now stands at 27% of internet users; 5% of internet users say they use RSS aggregators or XML readers to get the news and other information delivered from blogs and content-rich Web sites as it is posted online; and 12% of internet users have posted comments or other material on blogs. Still, 62% of internet users do not know what a blog is.

You can see the complete PDF here.

Pew Internet: The State of Blogging

ClickZ: BURST! Media Launches Blog Ad Channel

Posted by: of on 01/4/05
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has introduced an ad network for blogs. Current properties include Gawker Media blogs, BlueLemur, 2 Walls Webzine, and CelebCourthouse, with others on the way soon.

Meanwhile, CrispAds is another player in the blog ad network space. I’m getting briefed more on their play shortly and will update with details then.


ClickZ: BURST! Media Launches Blog Ad Channel

Posted by: of on 01/2/05
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