February 21, 2025

Wal-Mart Needs a Blog

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 01/13/05

Filed under "This Site Needs a Blog," USA Today reports today Wal-Mart is trying to address its critics more directly with a new public openness. So far, that has taken the form of an open letter from CEO H. Lee Scott in 100 newspapers and planned TV and radio show interviews, as well as a new web site WalmartFacts.com. Notably, however, the site does not feature a blog.

6 comments for Wal-Mart Needs a Blog

  1. There’s no way in hell that Wal-Mart will introduce a blog to its so-called “facts” website. They MUST control the conversation, and as you well know, blogs don’t allow for that.

    Now, that’s not to suggest they shouldn’t start a blog. The conversation is going on whether they like it or not, and they better enter into it. But, they won’t. IMO, Wal-Mart’s mentality is way too top-down for that.

    Comment by Paul Chaney — January 15, 2005 @ 8:09 pm

  2. Well, they could easily just disable comments and let bloggers say what they want on their own sites. That way they could give readers the convenience of RSS and participate in the meta-conversation (which will happen whether they publish a blog or not) without any of the messiness or risk of having reams of negative comments on their own site.

    Comment by Will Pate — January 18, 2005 @ 1:43 am

  3. Wal-Mart Needs a Blog

    I agree with Rick Bruner, Wal-Mart needs a blog, not just full-page advertisements and a new web site….

    Trackback by Always Low Prices -- Always. — January 19, 2005 @ 6:31 am

  4. Why Elites Hate WalMart

    “Law-breaker, union-buster, tax-escapee…” says Ralph Nader about WalMart. The generosity of $17 million by the retailing giant during the Katrina Aftermath has muted criticism, but changed few minds. WalMart Protesters Why do left of center political…

    Trackback by Jack Yoest — September 9, 2005 @ 4:53 am

  5. Why Elites Hate WalMart

    “Law-breaker, union-buster, tax-escapee…” says Ralph Nader about WalMart. The generosity of $17 million by the retailing giant during the Katrina Aftermath has muted criticism, but changed few minds. WalMart Protesters Why do left of center political…

    Trackback by Jack Yoest — September 9, 2005 @ 5:00 am

  6. Why Elites Hate WalMart…

    “Law-breaker, union-buster, tax-escapee…” says Ralph Nader about WalMart. The generosity of $17 million by the retailing giant during the Katrina Aftermath has muted criticism, but changed few minds. WalMart Protesters Why do left of center politic…

    Trackback by Jack Yoest — July 10, 2006 @ 6:13 am

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