February 21, 2025

GoDaddy’s CEO Explains How NFL and Fox Nixed Second Super Bowl Ad

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 02/8/05

Bob Parsons, CEO of bargain domain registrar GoDaddy, has been blogging for a few months. In this post, he tells his company’s side of the story for why the NFL and Fox chickened out at the last minute from airing the second of its racy ads during the Super Bowl.

15 comments for GoDaddy’s CEO Explains How NFL and Fox Nixed Second Super Bowl Ad

  1. That’s the most irrelevant display of sexism for selling stupid domain names I’ve ever seen. I hope this “CEO” is run outta town for this stupid stunt…

    Comment by Kevin — February 8, 2005 @ 8:50 pm

  2. I resent anyone and any business that does not recognize the need for the gatekeepers of our culture to promote moral strength and personal integrity. Those characteristics are reflected by proper dress, respect for elders and good manners. If GoDaddy is to become something other than a money machine, it must actually promote quality of life in its company culture and in its community. To do this, they must have the ability to notice, appreciate, and judge what is beautiful, appropriate, harmonious and excellent. Look around and You will notice that those who excel almost always do it with good taste. GoDaddy has failed its employees and all Americans, and I am embarrassed for them.

    Comment by Stephen — February 9, 2005 @ 6:38 am

  3. You don’t have to buy direct from GoDaddy to get the Service and Support of GoDaddy.com, there is a “Deep Discount” Domains Re-Seller for GoDaddy. You can save over a buck and get all the domain names and services from GoDaddy at http://www.janedomains.com, http://www.Zoodoodle.com and the UK version http://www.domains.moonfruit.com, Pass it on.

    Maybe Bob sold out this deal and it will back fire and his customers will buy his products from someone else at better prices and he has to service the accounts…how does these companies make any money, I wonder.


    Comment by Jane Domain — April 1, 2005 @ 8:30 pm

  4. Zoodoodle does sell domains no strings attached for less, we use them now. The GoDaddy domain manager is used and the service
    comes from Wild West Domains (GoDaddy) A new product for domain sellers is coming to help re-sell your names.


    Comment by Heow Ronieaw — May 1, 2005 @ 11:38 pm

  5. Checked out the Zoodoodle.com and JaneDomains product its easy and free to build online a website from moonfruit.com link on Zoodoodle.com. Dotcomamama.com has some really
    good domains for sale from 100 bucks up.


    Comment by jenna — May 8, 2005 @ 11:58 pm

  6. Go Daddy seems to be back selling sex on there TV ads..this time they have Bikini Girls and some guy that makes them. Is Bob Parsons and Godaddy just a Porn Sex site business. Will admit the chicks are younger and cool looking and not the slut tank top thing like in the Super Bowl.

    Comment by James Jackiy — September 9, 2005 @ 11:00 pm

  7. Found the new Go Daddy TV ads including the Dog ad the Taxi and the Joe Bikini girls with a GoDaddys Bikini that looks cool. Bob Parsons
    blog has a link to all the ads including the new Candice GoDaddy girl spots. You can also find a link on the http://www.JoeBikini.com to the one ad.

    Comment by jillie — September 18, 2005 @ 10:52 pm

  8. SES Chicago: RSS Blogs and Search Marketing Panel

    The last session I attended on day two of the Chicago Search Engine Strategies conference was RSS Blogs and Search Marketing moderated by Danny Sullivan…

    Trackback by SEO Blog. News — December 27, 2005 @ 8:27 am

  9. GoDaddy has manged to piss off so many women in technology it’s not funny. If you run a corporation that has any kind of sexual harrassment policy at all, you cannot do business with a company that runs boobie ads on it’s website.

    Bob Parsons has a right to run his business as he pleases. But those of us who have to worry about things like “hostile work environments” cannot afford to indulge in his particular brand of sexism.

    Yeah, women’s boobies are great! Whoo hoo! But not so much in the workplace. Sorry.

    Comment by noe — February 4, 2006 @ 2:42 am

  10. When I was 20 I would have thought the GoDaddy ads were cool. When I was 30, maybe they would have felt they were a naughty pleasure from my youth.

    But in my 40’s I have to worry about sexual harrassment lawsuits and women in the IT department who are mad as hell about
    GoDaddy ads.

    So thanks for nothing, Bob Parsons. You have made my job a lot harder, and there is no way in hell our company can have anything to do with Godaddy (including selling some obsolete domain names).

    You screwed the pooch on this one, Mr. Parsons. The party is over on this corporate bandwagon.

    Comment by jak — February 4, 2006 @ 2:48 am

  11. Brilliant Go Daddy!! Brilliant!

    Comment by Tony yeyo — February 5, 2006 @ 8:43 pm

  12. Very interesting move by Go Daddy.. They are letting it be known that they are a cutting edge company. I applaud Bob Parsons!

    Clever idea and I wonder if Go Daddy is linked to it’s founder(s)?!?

    Comment by Tom Ridgen — February 5, 2006 @ 8:49 pm

  13. Cutting edge? Hahahah! GoDaddy is straight out of the 1980’s. “Wow, look at this, we can use a woman’s boobs to sell something!” How cutting edge is that?!??!?

    Apparently the GoDaddy rules for survival include dragging the rest of us through your own mid life crisis.

    Yes, Bob Parsons, there will always be young women who will show your their tits for money. Yes, there will always be young men who will salivate and thinks that is so edgy.

    But is that enough to justify a business model? Maybe. The porn industry has done fine with that model. If you are positioning your busines as a porn business, you have very much succeeded.

    But, my company, a lowly Fortune 100 entitity with things like “hostile workplace environment regulations” and “litigious female employees”, they are not so amused by your desire to portray your company as a titty company.

    Frankly, my clients cannot afford to be associated with GoDaddy.

    It’s called downside risk, my friends. And we are advising our clients to get as far away from GoDaddy as they can before the feminist lawyers hit the fans.

    Apparently you can save 3 or 4 dollars by subscribing with GoDaddy vs. the other guys. Unfortunately, the “hostile workplace” sexual harrassment lawsuits will cost a lot more than you will save.

    Stay the hell away from GoDaddy!

    Comment by ick — February 6, 2006 @ 3:23 am

  14. Bob Parsons, CEO of GoDaddy, has made it perfectly clear on his own blog that anyone who has a problem with his pathetic sexist adverising just needs to “lighten up”.

    I’ve never seen a CEO so happy to chase away business. That’s his right, of course, he owns the company. And he’ll probably get enough horny young dudes to make up for the intelligent business people who leave.

    Who would have thought that someone with 2.5 million dollars of advertising dollars at their disposal would have chosen to be such an ass?

    It’s too bad because my company has to move hundreds of domain names away from GoDaddy. (We can’t afford to have our company associated with the slutty image of GoDaddy.)

    It’s too bad because we liked GoDaddy’ service. Unfortunately Bob Parson’s chose to rub our faces in some poor girl’s boobs, and frankly, our board of directors is not amused. So we have to leave GoDaddy’s otherwise good services just because the GoDaddy CEO is going through some kind of nervous breakdown or midlife crisis.

    Ain’t business funny?

    Comment by Parsonssux — February 6, 2006 @ 3:32 am

  15. I totally agree with what you’re saying. I wish more people felt this way and took the time to express themselves. Keep up the great work.

    Wally Cavanaugh

    Comment by Wally Cavanaugh — February 9, 2006 @ 1:06 am

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