February 21, 2025

iMedia Connection: Bye Bye Email?

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 02/17/05

iMedia writes:

Speakers at a recent Blog Business Summit believe blogs are replacing email as an effective two-way dialog tool.

Going forward from the recent Blog Business Summit in Seattle, two powerful messages have been reverberating through the marketing world:

1. Blog feeds are rapidly replacing email as a form of proactive marketing communications
2. Marketers wishing to post their own blogs should not approach the form as another one-way communications medium, but should plan for their blogs to offer two-way dialog.

Yawn. I’m so tired of this idea that blogs and/or RSS are ever going to replace email (as I’ve said before). Why do journalists always think that a new medium means the death of an old one? Radio is still doing very well, thank you, despite TV having come along some 60 years ago now. Blogs are good. Email is also good. Spam is bad, but spam is not the end of email. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. As for RSS, I still don’t use it. Still haven’t found a platform I really like. And besides, I get too much email already and don’t feel like I have to stay up to the minute on every blog in the world… But maybe that’s just me.

iMedia Connection: Bye Bye Email?

5 comments for iMedia Connection: Bye Bye Email?

  1. Well said. I’m bored hearing about it too.

    RSS just seems to be ubiquitous to bloggers (since we live it) and those that love them.

    In reality, most business people still read websites and blogs the old fasioned way. They actually go there!

    Comment by Brian Carroll — February 17, 2005 @ 2:00 pm

  2. Perhaps the expression ‘replacing email’ is too strong. Nothing is ever going to replace a medium like that, but I doubt that is what the author means.

    Blogs (or other solutions which provide RSS) are much more effective than email in many situations.

    Comment by Andrew Hume — February 17, 2005 @ 2:13 pm

  3. The dirty secret of RSS is that I don’t think anyone uses it as much as they say the do.

    Comment by -b- — February 19, 2005 @ 4:04 pm

  4. Really Simple Skepticism

    You might expect Rick Bruner at Business Blog Consulting to be an RSS booster, but he’s refreshingly skeptical:I’m so tired of this idea that blogs and/or RSS are ever going to replace email (as I’ve said before). Why do journalists

    Trackback by Ed Batista — February 20, 2005 @ 1:46 pm

  5. B: I do.

    If you are reading content in a Web browser you’re wasting time. If you have time to waste, that’s cool. I don’t.

    Comment by Robert Scoble — February 25, 2005 @ 12:39 am

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