February 22, 2025

Percentage of Fortune 500 Companies Blogging

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 03/7/05

A colleague asked me what percentage of Fortune 500 companies are blogging. Interesting, though I don’t know. (Let’s presume we’re talking about just public blogs, and real blogs, not faux blogs or intranet blogs.) I guessed somewhere in the 3-6% range currently. Unfortunately, the Fortune 500 list is now a premium feature of Fortune.com, so I’m doing a simple gut-check on what firms make the list at this point. But here’s a short list off the top of my head:

That’s 1.2% right there, but I haven’t really thought too hard about it yet. Who am I missing?

I’m not sure Google and Yahoo! are technically 2004 Fortune 500 (I’m working on finding a friend with a login so I can check), but if not they miss it by a hair’s breadth, given each of their $3+ billion in revenue last year.

Reader John Ridings points out that Cisco also has a blog.

Jeremy Wright adds a post on his blog of all the F500 companies he knows of with internal blogs, which is naturally a lot longer than this one of public blogs.

Steve Rubel suggests taking those and making a stock index out of them, which he bets would track better than the S&P 500.

Debbie Weil points out that HP also has several blogs.


11 comments for Percentage of Fortune 500 Companies Blogging

  1. Hey Rick, Cisco has an external blog with comments/trackback turned on. It’s the real deal.


    That makes 1.4% of F500 with external blogs. I also know of a couple more that blog internally.

    Comment by jbr — March 7, 2005 @ 6:53 am

  2. How Many Fortune 500’s Blogging?

    Rick wondered out loud how many were blogging.

    He figured it was close to 3-6%. He couldn’t find the list (here it is, btw Rick).

    >From this list, here are the ones I know of who are blogging internally, externally, in management, etc:


    Trackback by Ensight - Jeremy C. Wright — March 7, 2005 @ 6:55 am

  3. You can get the full list here (2003) here.

    Comment by Nick — March 7, 2005 @ 9:13 am

  4. Rick, I have been looking for metrics on the Blog phenomenon as I need to provide some numbers to bolster a presentation I am doing on Blog’s in the business world.

    Would appreciate your assistance:

    1)What percentages of people are using Blogs?
    2)How fast is the industry growing?
    3)Average amount of hits received on popular Blog’s?
    4)Browsing to Conversation (Readers to Buyers) for business sites?


    Comment by Gavin — March 7, 2005 @ 2:10 pm

  5. Small companies blogging for leads while big companies watch

    I read a post by Rick Bruner that estimates that roughly 1.4% of Fortune 500 companies have external blogs.

    Trackback by B2B Lead Generation Blog — March 7, 2005 @ 8:16 pm

  6. Rick E. Bruner: Percentage of Fortune 500 Companies Blogging

    GM, Sun Microsystems, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo!,Boeing, Cisco
    Das sind – erg

    Trackback by typo.twoday.net — March 8, 2005 @ 5:49 am

  7. @ Gavin

    1) 8 Million sites in the US with over 30 Million (32? 36?) readers.

    2) Number of Blogs is said to grow by 15%

    3) Hits are irrelevant, visits count. A-Bloggers are defined as having more that 15.000 visits a day. [1 page with 1 million pictures of 1 pixel each has 1 million “hits” for each “visitor”.]

    4) No idea, but I guess if you throw enough money at s/b they will give you a number 😉 (You mean conversation or conversion?)

    Comment by Oliver Gassner — March 10, 2005 @ 12:23 am

  8. I use the following list for business bloggers… http://www.thenewpr.com/wiki/pmwiki.php/Resources/CEOBlogsList. You can also see the entire Fortune 500 List at http://www.lead411.com/fortune500a.taf.

    Comment by Tom — March 21, 2005 @ 9:48 am

  9. I use the following list for business bloggers… http://www.thenewpr.com/wiki/pmwiki.php/Resources/CEOBlogsList. You can also see the entire Fortune 500 List at http://www.lead411.com/fortune500a.taf.

    Comment by Tom — March 21, 2005 @ 9:57 am

  10. My oh my how the business world is changing.

    There really isn’t much going on at the Cisco blog though.

    Comment by Cisco HQ — January 26, 2006 @ 8:58 pm

  11. Re: RadioShack
    Since the disclosure of Dave Edmondson’s lack of acedemic creditionals and most recent DWI arrest, there have been over 280 comments posted, less than 1% positive or defending Dave Edmondson. The overwhelming majority have been from current or former employees and tend to show the shaky state of affairs at RadioShack. Granted, some are from the lunatic fringe, but the bulk are from employees who are/have been in the trenches. Unless major changes are made in the near future, RadioShack seems to be headed for total collapse.
    Thank you,
    Pamela Sorrells

    Comment by Pamela Sorrells — February 20, 2006 @ 10:50 am

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