March 28, 2025

Politics and Political Blogs

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Whatever your political persuasion — right, left, or center — the blogosphere is a great place for bloggers to share their political views and make plenty of friends and enemies. We try to follow the conservative, liberal, and everything in between of politics and political blogs/blogging — but only when it intersects with business blogging.

Have a read below of our latest entries on politics and political blogging…

What if Blogs Don’t Change Your Business?

Posted by: of Made for Marketing on 04/28/05

Henry Copeland of Blogads has a pretty compelling contrarian review of the recent Business Week article Blogs Will Change Your Business.  In short, BW is "often jumps on the bandwagon just as it goes off the cliff", or so says Henry.  I tend to agree, and do have some issues with the short shrift techno babble cursory manner in which they dealt with blogs.  They usually do this on any number of topics, so no real surprises here.

At the end of the day, I guess I’m thankful that they’re raising the level of blog awareness among the BW audience.  (mid to upper level managers in almost every company in the US)  On the other hand, I’m already being asked by my corporate friends about some of the facts, figures and examples that were handily glossed over in their cutesy blog-like format of the article.  More work on my part, but at least were having the conversation on blogs.

Announcing My Semi-Retirement From This Blog

Posted by: of on 04/25/05

So, in case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been posting to this blog a lot less lately. Regular readers may know that I took a full-time job six months ago (at DoubleClick) and a few months after that, I ended up taking over my department (Director of Research), as a result of which, I am very busy these days.

Sadly, evangelizing the marketing value of blogs is not tightly aligned with my job or DoubleClick’s business interests, so this site has been a labor of love. More to the point, however, I think the mission of the blog has to a certain extent been accomplished. When I began it, I felt there was a need for a voice on the web articulating this business value and highlighting the many new business blogs as examples for others to follow. In the just over a year since I started the blog, however, stories like the recent one in BusinessWeek have been making the case very well in the mainstream media, and there are many other blogs talking about the same issues, including those I link to on the left of this page under "From Whom We Steal." The best of those, IMHO, is Steve Rubel’s MicropPersuasion, in whose shadow I think this blog has been living for some time.

Therefore, with mixed feelings I am going to make formal what has been de facto the case for a few months: I don’t plan to update this blog very often going foward. Perhaps I’ll find something on-topic to say from time to time, and I welcome the other contributors to this site to feel free to remain as active as they want (which past performance suggests not especially active).

Meanwhile, if you need a fix of Bruner postings, I do still post a few times a month about general Internet marketing topics at and more often about general nonsense at my personal site, Bruner Blog. I also do have plans to launch some new topical resources in the coming months, so stay tuned. Until then, thanks for your attention and I wish you all productive business blogging!

BusinessWeek: Blogs Will Change Your Business

Posted by: of on 04/25/05

In case you haven’t seen it yet, BusinessWeek came out with a great story last week aptly titled Blogs Will Change Your Business. Here’s a taste:

Go ahead and bellyache about blogs. But you cannot afford to close your eyes to them, because they’re simply the most explosive outbreak in the information world since the Internet itself. And they’re going to shake up just about every business — including yours.

I also refers to Steve Rubel as "an all-knowing Thumper in a forest of clueless Bambis," which is probably one of the weirder things they guy has ever been called. Anyway, required reading for followers of this trend.

BusinessWeek: Blogs Will Change Your Business

The Decade in Online Advertising

Posted by: of on 04/19/05

Man, I am a bad blogger. I spent much of the evening last night spamming marketing bloggers about a new report I’ve just finished writing. What was striking is how much more frequently they all blog than I do.

Ah well. Here’s what I’ve been busy with lately, anyway: The Decade in Online Advertising (PDF | landing page), a wide-ranging retrospective of the development of the web marketing industry. Needless to say there is a section on blogs. It’s free to download.

For a sample chart (my favorite), click here.




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