February 22, 2025

The Decade in Online Advertising

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 04/19/05

Man, I am a bad blogger. I spent much of the evening last night spamming marketing bloggers about a new report I’ve just finished writing. What was striking is how much more frequently they all blog than I do.

Ah well. Here’s what I’ve been busy with lately, anyway: The Decade in Online Advertising (PDF | landing page), a wide-ranging retrospective of the development of the web marketing industry. Needless to say there is a section on blogs. It’s free to download.

For a sample chart (my favorite), click here.

7 comments for The Decade in Online Advertising

  1. Thanks for this, Rick – will read it tonight… seem to be reading such a lot at the moment!
    Can’t believe you didn’t spam my marketing blog – I feel left out 😉

    Comment by Richard Leader — April 20, 2005 @ 9:12 am

  2. Should I feel good I got ‘spammed’ or bad that I never received a response to my reply email?

    Comment by johnmoore (from brandautopsy) — April 22, 2005 @ 8:00 pm

  3. The report is fascinating. I sent copies to clients, partners, and a “large search engine company” (not their real name) which distributed it to their managers and directors.

    The report makes three points.

    1) Online advertising is quickly carving huge chunks out of traditional advertising. We can all agree on this.

    2) In terms of spend, PPC is about 40% (p.12) of online advertising now. It is growing very fast (cf. Google’s 422% revenue growth) and it grows by taking ad spend away from other media (magazines/radio/TV). Advertisers are reallocating their budget away from traditional advertising and moving it to PPC.

    3) The paper argues that rich media (i.e., Flash) is appeals to advertisers (p. 10) and the “fixation on quantification is stifling the creative potential of advertising” (p. 13)

    This third point is a serious mistake. Flash is based on the banner advertising model, which is based on the traditional advertising model: saturate the market with your message. The fundamental problem with traditional broadcast advertising is that PPC works better. No matter what traditional advertising does, PPC works better, and ad budgets will go to PPC.

    More practically: the PDF doesn’t point out that 7% (or so) of users have switched to Mozilla, and one of the best features in Mozilla is the ability to block Flash. The most desirable online audience (early adopters and most-tech savey, i.e., lots of spending power) can’t be reached with Flash. Read the comments to Rick’s PDF at Slashdot.org (April 19th); it’s nearly entirely negative rants against web advertising.

    Adobe’s purchase of Macromedia may be a disaster on the order of Corel’s purchase of WordPerfect. Adobe paid $3.4B to get Flash which the market is learning how to block. Adobe may well sink because of this decision.

    I strongly recommend Rick’s PDF. There’s a great deal of useful stats and sentences that one can quote. Many thanks for making this document available.

    Comment by Andreas Ramos — April 23, 2005 @ 1:20 pm

  4. Andreas – I agree with what you say. However, I’d question the blanket statement that “PPC works better”. While I agree that click-for-click, dollar-for-dollar (pound-for-pound in my market), PPC does provide better returns, that is not to say we should focus the whole budget on PPC and ignore banners.
    Banners do server a purpose (more than one, in fact). Banners can reach markets that search does not – targetted subscribers of online journals, for example, who don’t subscribe to the likes of AdSense.
    Banners are also good for brand building in the same way that traditional advertising works (sometimes).
    I always liken a standard banner ad to an on-page ad in a magazine. A pop-up or the like works more like a loose insert. Loose inserts (and pop-ups) have an immediate impact on the viewer/reader but – unless they click, have little longer-term impact. Banners and on-page ads have a smaller immediate impact, but in the longer-term are good at building share of mind.
    What’s great about PPC is that there really is no off-line equivalent or analogy that we can draw.

    Comment by Richard Leader — April 25, 2005 @ 2:20 am

  5. For Your Download Library

    Who wins the marketing game in the 21st decade? The diva or divo who can quickly put their fingers or curser on the right information at the right time. Here’s a couple of excellent reports and PPT presentations to add to your favs. Rick Bruner, Double…

    Trackback by Diva Marketing — May 2, 2005 @ 6:30 am

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    Comment by Zennie — September 12, 2006 @ 11:07 pm

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    Comment by Raj — December 11, 2006 @ 2:06 pm

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