December 26, 2024

What do YOU think about CEO Blogs and Fake Blogs?

In addition to my other volunteer efforts to help Global PR Blog Week 2.0 be a valuable discussion and event for both public relations professionals and anyone else interested in the present and future of business blogging and PR blogging, I’m also contributing two articles of note:

Why CEO’s Shouldn’t Blog

Fake Blogs: New Marketing Channel or Really Bad Idea?

I have some thoughtful opinions on both topics, and have already started to draft up notes and some specific points I want to make, but in the spirit of an open dialog, I would like to invite you, my faithful readers, to add your own thoughts on these two topics too!

You are welcome to agree with my position, disagree vehemently, or even just point to weblogs that you think are fascinating or wicked cool examples of the specific topic.

In a week or two I’ll begin pulling my articles together and will hope that I can quote at least a few of you therein (with links to your own sites, if you’d like: indicate as such in your comment if that’s something that appeals to you) either supporting my position CEO blog-wise, or offering a smart perspective on so-called fake blogs.

So…. what do you think about CEO blogs and fake blogs?

Note: to keep things organized and coherent, I’m requesting that you add your comments here: CEO Blogs and Fake Blogs: an open discussion at The Intuitive Life Business Blog. Thanks!

1 comment for What do YOU think about CEO Blogs and Fake Blogs?

  1. […] Does it anger me when knuckleheads (like today – sorry, but anyone from a whois with RIPE in it ain’t getting a comment on my Blog if I can help it) attempt to spam my Blog like so many others? Sure it does. On the positive side it gives me the motivation to learn from people like Matt Mullenweg, David Sifry, Duncan Riley, Dave Taylor, Tris Hussey, Darren Rowse, and Shai Coggins just to name a few. […]

    Pingback by Blog Marketing, Blog Promotion for Newbies » Blog Archive » How To Choose A Topic To Blog About? — May 11, 2006 @ 11:04 am

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