February 23, 2025

What Will A Blog Do For My Business?

Posted by: of Duct Tape Marketing Blog on 08/3/05

I get this question several times a week these days so I thought I would address it here.

The answer to this question is part advice, part marketing 101 soapbox speech.

So, what will a blog do for your business?

In most cases, little to nothing.

Now, before you fire off an email to ask if I’ve gone crazy, read on.

Most business folks will approach blogging like they approach every other form of marketing. Put up a blog, make a few entries and wonder why it didn’t work.

Blogs are not THE marketing tool, they are simply another marketing tool, but a very powerful one if used correctly.

Using a blog correctly for most small businesses means these things at a minimum

  • Post almost daily – keep at it for months
  • Answer the questions your clients ask you in your posts
  • Promote the heck out of your blog online and offline
  • Build a network of users and connectors around your blog
  • Read and participate in other blogs almost daily
  • Integrate your blog into your web site, ezine and marketing materials
  • Update the non-post elements of your blog frequently

If you’ve read this far then maybe you have come to the conclusion that a blog can be a powerful part of your marketing mix and know that I unflinchingly recommend a blog for every business but, like all marketing strategies, unless you commit to using it long term to build momentum, it will be just another distraction.

2 comments for What Will A Blog Do For My Business?

  1. John,

    I think you forgot to include one pretty important thing in your list of blogging must-dos.

    As I mentioned on my blog, BBC: Better Business Communications (link above), it’s crucial to provide information of interest and value to your target market.

    It takes both quantity and quality to attract a loyal audience. Without both, your readers won’t come back, no matter how often you post.

    Tom McKay

    Comment by Tom McKay — August 3, 2005 @ 7:02 pm

  2. What will a blog do for my business?

    John Jantsch over at Business Blog Consulting gets that question often and answers it on his blog – basically saying: “little to nothing”. His main reasoning is that most people will put up a blog, post a few times and…

    Trackback by Emergence Marketing — August 4, 2005 @ 4:21 am

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