February 22, 2025

Why I Still Believe PR is Dead

After my well-received Business Blogging 101 workshop at the Blog Business Summit in San Francisco last week, my strong exhortation to the audience that PR is Dead was the buzz of the Summit. Even publications like the San Jose Mercury News and InfoWorld were talking about it, even though I’m certainly not the first to propose that the traditional job of public relations has been supplanted by the blogosphere.

The most interesting discussion I had on the topic, however, was with Doug Free, Group PR Manager for Microsoft and Lynann Bradbury, Senior VP of Microsoft’s PR agency Waggener Edstrom. To set the scene, Lynann greeted me with “Hi. I’m not dead yet!”

But as we talked about the impact of blogging and, more generally, findability and the online world on traditional public relations, something became very, very clear…

What we agreed upon is that there are two types of public relations firms and that any informed public debate about the impact of the blogosphere and Internet on the profession of public relations must take these into account.

Large companies like Waggener Edstrom offer companies counsel on how to present themselves and their message to the public and their market segment. They are truly focused on, quite literally, public relations. But they’re in the minority.

I contend that there are in fact a significant number of so-called PR Agencies who believe – and their clients believe too – that PR stands for…

2 comments for Why I Still Believe PR is Dead

  1. Not Dead Yet

    Dave Taylor thinks that press releases are largely worthless. I’ve been mulling this over, and while doing so read a new post from George McKenzie investigating paying for an online press release service.
    George says “I submitted a simil…

    Trackback by 60k Marketing — August 24, 2005 @ 1:19 pm

  2. Other News Worth Noting

    Links to important recent news stories from around the web.

    Trackback by IF — August 27, 2005 @ 9:50 am

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