February 21, 2025

Behind Microsoft’s “Deep Throat”

Posted by: of Ensight on 09/19/05

Microsoft has taken a number of hits over the last dozen or so years. From viruses and security issues to being declared an illegal monopoly and more recent executive outbursts, the company has given vocal critics more than enough to talk about.

It may surprise you to find out, though, that one of Microsoft’s most vocal critics is an actual Microsoft employee. And he has a blog. Mini-Microsoft is written anonymously be a current Microsoft employee.

This month, he gets called "Microsoft’s ‘Deep Throat’" by BusinessWeek, in a decidedly un-chilly expose.

Mini’s often critical, always honest and generally passionate posts go from saying Steve Ballmer should resign and the company needs a complete restructuring to a recent post where Mini crows that "it is a heel-clicking time to re-energize and re-focus on who we are and the great potential we have."

Why does he write a blog which is so openly critical of Microsoft? Well, to quote the BusinessWeek interview: "Sometimes you have to destroy the village in order to save it."

1 comment for Behind Microsoft’s “Deep Throat”

  1. I’m fascinated by the Mini-Microsoft blog as a source for BW’s cover story. I’m wondering if this isn’t the beginning of Corporate Blogging 2.0? Will more companies adopt stricter guidelines for corporate blogging? Will this Deep Throat blogger get fired?? Oh, the suspense…

    Comment by Debbie Weil — September 19, 2005 @ 8:46 am

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