February 21, 2025

It’s the End of the Blogosphere As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

Dr. Del Dhanoa posted an interesting article called The Implosion of the Blogosphere.

In it, he’s not predicting the end of blogging, or really even the blogosphere, but rather the way some bloggers make a living.

He uses the history of the video game networks, i.e., Gamespy, as a way of extrapolating what may happen to blogging networks such as WeblogsInc.com, Gawker Media and the like.

In short, he’s concerned that like video game networks, blogging
networks will accelerate the boom/bust cycle, paying bloggers more and
more money to jump ship, driving up ad rates, until the bottom drops
out. Basically, he’s warning against speculation.

It’s an interesting idea, and the article is well written. I’m currently reading "Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister,"
which is told from the perspective of Cinderella’s sister, and takes
place during the tulip bust that destroyed many fortunes in Holland and
beyond. I think it’s safe to say that whatever the market is,
speculation is a risky business that ends in a zero sum game, or worse.

For me, personally, and for most of the business bloggers out there,
we’re blogging for our business, not for a network. Whether blogging
networks succeed or fail in the long run, the blogosphere and blogging
should continue as long as businesses are interested in connecting with
their prospects and clients.

1 comment for It’s the End of the Blogosphere As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

  1. As they say, being a blogger is a bit like being an alcoholic: if you say you are one, you are 😉 We will never be out of alcohol and more’s the pity

    Wasn’t it Hall of Famer Wayne Gretzky who said you shouldn’t skate to where the puck is but to where the puck will be? I will keep an eye on your predictions …

    Comment by Jozef Imrich — September 27, 2005 @ 7:39 am

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