February 21, 2025


Posted by: of Blogging Systems Group on 09/26/05

I just received an invitation to set up a WordPress.com (com, not org) blog. I did, and I like it. The interface is clean and more compact than the admin interface I’m used to. They have several decent looking skins, though I don’t like the fact you can’t access the source code. At least, I didn’t find a way to do it. But, then again, I didn’t spend much time on it either.

This is a hosted version of their platform, similar to how SixApart does it with Typepad. Of course, it’s free, just like the server-side version. It is currently by invitation only however. Just submit your email addy and they will extend an invitation to you at some point I feel sure.

I’d be interested to feedback from those of you who’ve tried it out, especially if you have a more in-depth review. I’m just not an in-depth review kind of guy. Heh.

7 comments for WordPress.com

  1. I got one and set it up. For a ‘writer’ it is the cat’s pajamas. FTS! {faster than sh*t}
    Not only in previewing which it does as it will look rather than just showing the basic formatting which I have hacked a bit on TypePad, It also has a very clean look and feel.

    There is almost no design customization at this point. You have 6 or 7 designs, none of which are to my taste, but then I am a blue jeans and t-shirt guy anyway.

    My overall impressions are favorable at this point, as I am looking for a replacement for TypePad because of the Photo Album ‘feature’ and I use it in the pejorative due to the promise vs execution.
    I have other issues here….
    Did Blogger, Did Radio, doing typepad and am looking for love elsewhere.
    For the photo person, and a geek like me with a penchant to use photos as an illustration tool TypePad works if you only have one blog.

    I may have to bite the bullet and set up the full version of Word Press, but I am trying to evaluate different systems to give folks with something to say and no coding experience the best recommendation.

    Of course that may mean that my pick and 50 cents will only get you coffee.

    Comment by the head lemur — September 26, 2005 @ 4:04 pm

  2. I was at the formal announcement of WordPress.com and did some live blogging of the features.


    I also have taken a look at WordPress.com in comparison to TypePad and why I think WordPress.com will actually be a gateway to bring more users to the WordPress(.org) platform, as opposed to being a TypePad competitor.


    Comment by Ken — September 26, 2005 @ 10:09 pm

  3. I’m also a writer (copywriter) and received WP.com my invitation over the weekend. I picked a template and set up a very sketchy blog (wordwhiz.wordpress.com) and am looking forward to taking it for a spin.

    First impression: It’s fast, clean and pretty intuitive. I’m not really a geek (although I have those tendencies) I would like to be able to customize the template and HTML a bit.

    OIne important thing for me — does anyone know if it’s possible to import existing Blogger posts into WP.com?

    Comment by Tom McKay — September 27, 2005 @ 10:24 am

  4. Tom…via WP.com, there is no way to customize the template just yet. The best you can do is to play with Kubrick header for the default theme (customizing its color), which is a very new feature.

    Several of the WP coders recently wrote about creating a ‘one click’ import from Blogger to WP (not WP.com) but they alluded to bringing this feature over in to WP.com. Check out the links below.



    Comment by Ken — September 27, 2005 @ 11:39 am

  5. Thanks for the info, Ken.

    Comment by Tom McKay — September 28, 2005 @ 6:24 pm

  6. WordPress.com

    I was checking this out yesterday, would love to get an invite to try it out. I figure with all the gmail invites that I gave out (well over 200) that I’m due for some karma payback. Link: Business Blog

    Trackback by Venture Chronicles by Jeff Nolan — September 29, 2005 @ 10:44 am

  7. WordPress.com

    I was checking this out yesterday, would love to get an invite to try it out. I figure with all the gmail invites that I gave out (well over 200) that I’m due for some karma payback. UP

    Trackback by Venture Chronicles by Jeff Nolan — September 30, 2005 @ 7:36 am

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