December 21, 2024

AOL Buys Weblogs Inc.

Posted by: of Blogging Systems Group on 10/5/05

Yea, I think this qualifies as big news. AOL is purchasing Weblogs, Inc. for a cool $20 million (or is it $30 million?) Yea, it’s big news. So big in fact it falls in the OMG! category. Rafat Ali says this is perhaps the first pure content-related company being bought out in the blog/Web 2.0 space…or at least of this scale. The story is spreading like wildfire across the blogosphere already says Ali. It’s true. Check out Technorati.

I used to blog for WIN. If Calacanis splits his bounty with his bloggers, I’m sure I’m going to wish I still did. (Maybe he’ll grandfather me in. Nah, probably not.)

2 comments for AOL Buys Weblogs Inc.

  1. AOL compra WeblogsInc

    AOL ha comprado WeblogsInc, la compañía dedicada a crear contenido cuasi-profesional en blogs -y pionera en este campo-, por 25 millones de dólares. WeblogsInc, creada por Jason Calacanis y Brian Alvey. Recordemos que WeblogsInc ganaba alrededor…

    Trackback by Tecniblog — October 6, 2005 @ 12:52 am

  2. Money, Blogs, DC, and Money

    This morning I met with an enterprising young man named Ken Yarmosh, owner of a DC-area technology company called Technosight. He contacted me after reading a press release I sent out last week. Ken visited my business and personal blogs and wanted to…

    Trackback by The Language Artist — October 6, 2005 @ 12:55 pm

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