March 31, 2025

Is TypePad the Wrong Tool for Business Bloggers?

Posted by: of on 10/26/05

As many active bloggers out there know, TypePad has been paaaaaaaainfully slow lately. If you have a TypePad account, posting has been somewhere between difficult and impossible.

Here at Business Blog Consulting
(the other BBC), behind the locked doors of our Yahoo Group, there’s
been a lot of chatter about leaving TypePad for greener pastures. 

Debbie Weil, over at BlogWrite for CEO’s and a fellow BBC blogger, takes TypePad to task with her post Listen Up SixApart: some of your TypePad customers may switch. Because Debbie’s, well Debbie Weil, Anil Dash from Six Apart actually responded on her blog.

I know that other BBC contributors plan on posting their own
thoughts both to BBC and to their own blogs in the next 24 hours, and
as I get a list of those posts I’ll update this post.

For me, this reminds me of the mid-90’s when AOL’s email went down for about two days.
People lost it. Businesses claimed they were being ruined. Congress
held hearings on what could be done. And Steve Case said something to
the effect that it showed how important AOL was to American Business.
(At least that’s how I remember it.)

I believe the lesson business owners learned from that is that
whatever your communication medium is, it needs to be rock-solid.
Piggy-backing your communications on a consumer product like AOL is no
way to run a real business.

Until recently I recommended TypePad as a platform for business bloggers…especially compared to Blogger,
which doesn’t have half the bells and whistles TypePad offers. However,
as more businesses turn to blogging as a legitimate marketing tool they
are going to expect enterprise-level solutions…not “waiting on” messages.

The recent problems with TypePad and slowdowns at Technorati
show that blogging is growing at a mind-boggling rate; businesses will
continue to flock to it, and so will dollars. Whether TypePad is going
to be part of the solution for business bloggers or an also-ran will be
determined by how they respond to their current problems.

7 comments for Is TypePad the Wrong Tool for Business Bloggers?

  1. TypePad Crawls During Data Center Changeover

    Problems switching between data centers have slowed TypePad, the popular blog hosting service.

    Trackback by Data Center Knowledge — October 26, 2005 @ 9:40 pm

  2. TypePad’s Growing Pains

    As blogs become more integrated in business strategies the platforms that we use become increasingly important. As Tris Hussey puts it, …for many of us blogs are mission critical parts of our marketing, communication and daily life. On Business Blog …

    Trackback by Diva Marketing (Blog) — October 26, 2005 @ 9:55 pm

  3. Typepad

    Typepad has become the source of dissatisfaction for many bloggers lately…and the subject of many blog posts that express the dissatisfaction. Business Blog Consulting has three such posts which highlight the problems and offer positive suggestions i…

    Trackback by Resonance Partnership Blog — October 27, 2005 @ 12:03 am

  4. TypePad’s growing pains

    TypePad seems to creaking under the strain of its own success. For some weeks now, I’ve been observing (and experiencing) constant server timeout problems when posting to this blog. And I’m not the only TypePad user who’s in this position.

    Trackback by NevOn — October 27, 2005 @ 5:06 am

  5. TypePad’s growing pains

    TypePad seems to creaking under the strain of its own success. For some weeks now, I’ve been observing (and experiencing) constant server timeout problems when posting to this blog. And I’m not the only TypePad user who’s in this position.

    Trackback by NevOn — October 27, 2005 @ 6:00 am

  6. TypePad’s Growing Pains

    As blogs become more integrated in business strategies the platforms that we use become increasingly important. As Tris Hussey puts it, …for many of us blogs are mission critical parts of our marketing, communication and daily life. On Business Blog …

    Trackback by Diva Marketing (Blog) — October 27, 2005 @ 3:03 pm

  7. Typepad ‘Business Class’ Service

    In a frank email exchange about Typepad’s recent problems, TP’s CEO Barak Berkowitz told me that Six Apart is to launch a Business Class Service after the big move. Watch this space…

    Trackback by Modern Marketing - Blog by Collaborate PR — October 31, 2005 @ 8:28 am

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