February 22, 2025

Blogging and Baseball

Posted by: of One By One Media on 10/19/05

Steve Rubel discusses the analogy of blogging being like baseball.  In a discussion about whether the linking in blogs or the mention in blogs is the more important gold standard. Rubel suggests:

Baseball is a good metaphor here. A blog link/mention combo is like a home run – a four bagger. You get attention, Google Juice, traffic and branding. Blog links without mentions and plain old mentions are like doubles because in either case you get two out of these four bases.

Ahh, but what about RSS? RSS is opt-in and it’s attention. What if you score a blog link/mention combo in a popular feed you know has a high degree of attention among your target audience? Then we’re talking about a Grand Slam, right?

I’m thinking that maybe Rubel is a down and out Yankee fan, but he does hit on a good point in his metaphor.


3 comments for Blogging and Baseball

  1. Blogging and Baseball

    Jim Turner on Blog Business Consulting references a baseball and blogging metaphor from

    Trackback by Resonance Partnership Blog — October 20, 2005 @ 1:28 am

  2. Blogging and Baseball

    Jim Turner on Blog Business Consulting references a baseball and blogging metaphor from

    Trackback by Resonance Partnership Blog — October 20, 2005 @ 1:42 am

  3. Blogging Is Like Baseball

    I am a huge baseball fan so I have been watching the Major League Baseball playoffs. The Chicago White Sox have played well and put on a pitching clinic. While the Houston Astros beat up on the St. Louis Cardinals

    Trackback by Somewhat Frank — October 20, 2005 @ 9:37 pm

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