February 21, 2025

Blogs, Search, PR, and a Gourmet

Posted by: of A View from the Isle on 11/8/05
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I love it when a few articles come together for me into something that makes me go wow! I’m going to start with the recent article that started the tumble into the connection.
Steve commented on a SearchEngineWatch article about companies needing to include search engine monitoring in their PR programs (especially watching blogs).  Steve cited the statistic that 39% of the top 20 results on the top 100 brands were from “consumer generated media”.  Okay, cool.  The SEW article goes a little deeper, talking about how blogs can, and will, steer the commentary on your brand.  They cited WalMart and unions as an example.  Me?  I look to my friend Toby.
Toby and her clients at GourmetStation were recently profiled in Inc. Magazine (here’s the link to Toby’s post, the blog Delicious Destinations and a PDF of the article: Download: inc_magazine_november_2005_blog_gs_article.pdf) on the whole T. Alexander character blog saga.  What Toby didn’t mention was that she (and I helped a little) used PubSub, Feedster, and other search tools to track the conversation and ride it out.  This, I think, is better than the cited WalMart approach of building a site to push other sites down.  Work with those who are already talking about you, leave comments, start a blog and link to them.  Become part of the discussion and conversation, not a giant trying to squash it.
As a professional blogger you owe it to your clients and yourself to keep an eye on the discussion about your posts.  You can leverage good feedback when renewing contracts or getting new ones, and negative stuff … this is where you show your skills at being a blogger.  Remember this isn’t just an ego feed thing.  It’s making sure that you’re doing an effective job.
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