March 31, 2025

More TypePad Time Outs

Posted by: of on 11/16/05

was setting up a client’s new blogs in TypePad this afternoon when I
got this error. You may wonder why I’m still using TypePad for blogging
clients…I’m wondering the same thing myself.

What’s more frustrating is the only option is to click the OK button. How about a "Not OK" button?

This is just a day after TypePad users received an email from TypePad offering a
rebate on 0, 15, 30 or 45 days, depending on how much the user was

While we are not done with our work, and
there is always the chance of outages on any web service, we believe
that the worst performance is behind us, and it is now time to focus on
how we can make these problems up to you.

Well, I
was debating between 15 or 30, but I’m glad I held off. Now I’ll take
the full 45, though I’m not  sure that will make a difference.  Business bloggers need a platform they can rely on, not a rebate when it goes down.

This feels like a dysfunctional relationship where I keep on hoping my significant other will change and everything will be fine. And we all know how those turn out.

3 comments for More TypePad Time Outs

  1. Hi Rich:

    We’re totally bummed this is happening too. We’re happy to give you the 45 days. Like the email said, if you’ll give us the benefit of the doubt while we iron out these problems, I think you’ll see a significant improvement very soon.

    Please contact us is you have any questions.


    Comment by *ginevra — November 16, 2005 @ 5:19 pm

  2. It’s great that you’re bummed, Ginevra. Meanwhile you’re slowly killing my own blog.

    When I first started using typepad last summer, I told everyone how great it was and what an improvement it was over, say, Blogger. Then things went downhill and I said it was ggood but going through a rough patch. Then a month or two later I didn’t offer an opinion one way or the other. Now I’m telling anyone who asks to stay as far away from Typepad as they can.

    Comment by Chris Fotos — November 17, 2005 @ 7:10 am

  3. dudes jerking off…

    dudes jerking off…

    Trackback by dudes jerking off — April 5, 2006 @ 7:43 pm

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