February 22, 2025

Blogads Sells The Farm!

Posted by: of One By One Media on 12/10/05
Perhaps not in the sense that everyone else thinks, but they sold the largest block of ads to MSNBC according to Blogads President, Henry Copeland.  I received this information from Henry in an email regarding the purchase and he stated:
This is a nice way to end 2005.  To give you some personal context, this is biggest blogad buy ever — 800 blogs.  This is more ads than Blogads.com sold in the entirety of 2003.  (The previous record was held by Audi, which ordered ads on 286 blogs last spring.)  I’ll leave it to the media mavens among you to figure out the larger ramifications, but for me this is just a darn pleasant way to end a good year.
This is truly the largest ad purchase I have heard of for blogs, and I think it will be the wave of the future as companies want to get their message in front of the people surfing the internet and reading blogs.  He went on to state in his email:
Finally, I’m fuzzy on the details of this, but there may be some opportunity for bloggers to interact with one of the NBCites (Keith Obermann on online viral weirdness, Rita Cosby on porn and Joe Scarborough on internet addiction) as they pull together the shows. If you are interested, write me and I’ll try to put you in touch with the NBC person who floated this idea.
I sent Henry an email indicating I was interested in the interaction opportunity.  I hope to hear from the NBC contact and if contacted I will make sure to blog the results of the conversation, and perhaps more details on the details.
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7 comments for Blogads Sells The Farm!

  1. I’d think this is the biggest thing to happen to blogads.com

    But what exactly is MSNBC trying to advertise?

    — An avid Internet browser

    Comment by BlogNetworks.Net — December 12, 2005 @ 12:25 pm

  2. MSNBC BlogAds Buy.

    MSNBC bought advertising on 800 blogs for some upcoming television programming. You can read the very basic information out there at Business Blog Consulting and Performancing.
    For some more information on BlogAds and the number of blogs online, an a…

    Trackback by wolftrust.com — December 12, 2005 @ 1:07 pm

  3. BlogAds Takes Ad Order For 800 Blogs From MSNBC

    BlogAds took an order from MSNBC a few days ago to place an ad on 800 blogs, a new record for BlogAds. Diggers Realm was the recipient of one of those orders and it is currently up and running. The…

    Trackback by Inside Online Advertising — December 12, 2005 @ 6:26 pm

  4. BlogAds Takes Ad Order For 800 Blogs From MSNBC (Update)

    BlogAds took an order from MSNBC a few days ago to place an ad on 800 blogs, a new record for BlogAds. Diggers Realm was the recipient of one of those orders and it is currently up and running. The…

    Trackback by Inside Online Advertising — December 12, 2005 @ 10:27 pm

  5. BlogAds Takes Ad Order For 800 Blogs From MSNBC (Update)

    BlogAds took an order from MSNBC a few days ago to place an ad on 800 blogs, a new record for BlogAds. Diggers Realm was the recipient of one of those orders and it is currently up and running. The…

    Trackback by Inside Online Advertising — December 12, 2005 @ 10:33 pm

  6. BlogAds Takes Ad Order For 800 Blogs From MSNBC (Update 2)

    BlogAds took an order from MSNBC a few days ago to place an ad on 800 blogs, a new record for BlogAds. Diggers Realm was the recipient of one of those orders and it is currently up and running. The…

    Trackback by Inside Online Advertising — December 13, 2005 @ 6:56 pm

  7. […] Steve Pavlina is becoming a blogging icon. He has increased his visitors to over 700,000 unique visitors a month in a little over a year. Amazing! And with posts like this he’s bound to get just a few more. Just today Steve placed an “advertise here” box in the upper left hand corner of his blog. The advertisement section is powered by BlogAds, a great new blog advertisement tool where you can publish ads, find advertisers for your site, or find blogs to advertise on. Companies such as MSNBC have bought tons of ads from BlogAds in the largest blogads buy ever. […]

    Pingback by Can You Become Good at Everything? - Erik Vossman tries to find the answer »Blog Archive » Steve Pavlina adds BlogAds Opportunity — January 20, 2006 @ 3:07 am

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