February 21, 2025

Can anyone keep up with blogging?

Posted by: of Duct Tape Marketing Blog on 12/26/05

Last week TypePad had well documented service issues and outages caused by in part by their attempts to keep pace with the enormous growth of blogging. Today, WordPress (probably the largest benefactor of the TypePad blues) launched a much awaited 2.0 upgrade.

But, if you tried to grab your copy you were greeted with this message all day long.
“Switching servers, please check back in about a half hour. Thanks! — Matt”

I’m not picking on either service, they are both wonderful success stories, I just don’t know if anyone can really handle the adoption rate of blogging. There’s certainly room for others to play!

1 comment for Can anyone keep up with blogging?

  1. It’s a straightforward issue – scalability – 6A has not sorted this out. Neither have many of the developer/hosting companies. To my mind and from the information I have to hand, a 1st year DB adminstrator would have known the answer. More important, would have taken preventative steps.

    Comment by dahowlett — December 30, 2005 @ 11:52 am

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