February 21, 2025

No, bloggers, Yahoo isn’t “conceding search to Google”

The big discussion right now in the blog space is whether the recent comments from Yahoo’s Chief Financial Officer Susan Decker mean that Yahoo has “given up” on the search space and “conceded” it to Google. The problem is, I think everyone’s misinterpreting what Decker said because they’re all succumbing to the “win or die” philosophy that’s so prevalent in the industry. But if you can put that aside, there’s nothing particularly concerning, alarming or even distressing about what Decker is exploring. It’s the Ferrari Solution:

    What do Yahoo, Apple and Ferrari have in common?

It’s far too early to write Yahoo off or somehow conclude that the company is irrelevant to the world of search. Search is the future of the Internet and there’s still lots of space for innovation.

2 comments for No, bloggers, Yahoo isn’t “conceding search to Google”

  1. Yahoo gives up to Google on Search ? You really believe that ?…

    I was alerted by Thomas Hawk about the latest news building up in the blogosphere, and as such the top news on Memeorandum: Yahoo! gives up quest for search dominance. My initial reaction was that this must be one of these quotesbeing taken out of a sp…

    Trackback by Jeff Clavier's Software Only — January 24, 2006 @ 6:29 pm

  2. Yahoo concedes that dominating search isn’t its strategy…

    The hot news, and hotly debated news, is that Yahoo has either conceded defeat to Google or is just very ……

    Trackback by Qumana Investor Blog — January 25, 2006 @ 12:30 am

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