February 21, 2025

ABC’s ‘Invasion’ Blog

Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 02/8/06

I happen to have a different POV on faux blogs than a lot of folks. I think that in theory they’re not a bad idea, just the execution sucks most of the time. The wost of faux blogs are those that purport to the be real, dupe readers into thinking that some fan of the product is writing the blog. But I’ve always contended that a blog by a marketing character might not be a bad thing if done well, e.g. (my staple example), the M&M characters writing a truly funny Fark.com (PG) blog.

Anyway, tonight I was watching the ABC show Invasion (which I’ve only done 2-3 times before), and I heard one character reference another’s “stupid blog.” So I Googled Invasion+blog and found didyouseethelights.com

To be honest, I’m tired and have had a couple of drinks and just can’t be bothered to do thorough due diligence on this, but I’m sure you’ll do so for me. Anyway, I like the idea: a TV character blogging on the Net with comments open.

I await your informed ass-kicking on why this sucks and is evil.

1 comment for ABC’s ‘Invasion’ Blog

  1. Drinking? On a school night? Sister Mary Benito is gonna be pissed!

    I like extensions of existing fiction into the blogosphere – my favorite remains the (unauthorized) port of The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer.

    Comment by Andy Wibbels — February 9, 2006 @ 9:05 am

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