February 21, 2025

AWeber Offers Email Subscriptions to RSS Feeds

AWeber FeedMany blogs offer email subscriptions to their blog, usually via Feedblitz or Bloglet. As I mentioned in a previous post, now AWeber, more well-known for its autoresponder service, is also offering an email broadcasts of RSS feeds.

What I like about service is how customizable it is; you can create an HTML template that complements your blog design. AWeber also offers a series of predesigned templates for you to choose from. HTML and plain text versions are automatically generated. Confirmed opt-in is required, so you’ll only be sending these emails to people who really want them, keeping you safe from charges of spamming.

There’s no additional fee for this service for people who are already AWeber members, but membership is $20/mo. (AWeber memberships also offer powerful autoresponders and the ability to publish email newsletters.)

I especially like the flexibilty you have with the layout and the ability to add messages to outgoing emails. In the example above, you can see that I created links to articles on my Web site. Through the admin system these messages are easy to change, even if you’re not comfortable with HTML. There is also the ability to track clickthrus and view other reports. You can also choose how many posts will appear in a single email broadcast.
Two things I don’t like about the current AWeber offering, however:

  1. You can’t choose between full text and excerpt; the system automatically limits your email with a “Read more…” link.
  2. Images and links you may have created in your feed do not carry into the email version.

Tom Kulzer, the CEO and Founder of AWeber says both these features are being considered for a future release.

One other thing that may work against AWeber is the fact that Feedblitz now offers many if not all of these feed related services, plus others, for just $4.95/mo. Although I haven’t yet tested Feedblitz, it appears to offer a compelling alternative.

4 comments for AWeber Offers Email Subscriptions to RSS Feeds

  1. Another nice thing about FeedBlitz is that it ties into Feedburner stats.

    Comment by Lee Odden — February 10, 2006 @ 7:08 pm

  2. Rich,

    Thank you for the mention of our service
    above. I wanted to address a couple of
    issues you pointed out.

    Full text and excerpt are based upon the
    content provided in your RSS feed. We
    don’t automatically limit any sort of
    content length. If you have the full content
    in a feed it can be published to the email.

    Images and links created in your feed should
    be carrying over to the email version. If
    you are experiecing issues with them not
    doing so, contact myself or our support team
    so we can look at your specific feed and
    template setup.

    Tom Kulzer
    CEO & Founder
    AWeber Communications

    Comment by Tom Kulzer — February 14, 2006 @ 1:12 pm

  3. Hi Rich:

    Thanks for the mention. FeedBlitz allows you to choose whether to include the full text from your feed or to truncate it (with your own call to action). We’ve also introduced this week click-through tracking analytics, availble to standard (free service) and premium publishers. The news is over at http://feedblitz.blogspot.com/2006/03/real-time-click-tracking-charting-and.html


    Comment by Phil — March 21, 2006 @ 1:37 pm

  4. One of the advantages of Aweber would be that you can use it for additional marketing purposes (newsletter, promotions, etc.) and you have a nice array of options beyond what FeedBlitz offers. So if you have a blog as part of a business and are also doing other things (eCourses, free reports, newsletters, etc.) it is nice to have things in 1 place from an administration standpoint.

    Comment by Paula G — February 29, 2008 @ 12:13 pm

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