February 21, 2025

How Prentice-Hall uses blogs and podcasts to improve sales

This is one of those great “some companies really ‘get it'” stories, the kind of thing I love to hear about as someone riding the very tip of the technology rocketship (think Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove and you’ll have my mental image exactly). Prentice-Hall Business Publishers have the same challenges that any company today faces, including motivating the sales force, identifying the key message or messages for marketing and making sure that the team stays on message rather than wandering off into pointless information that isn’t going to close any sort of deal.

But unlike most companies, PH decided to tackle the problem with blogs, podcasts and simulation games. It’s darn interesting:

  Blogs, Podcasts and Simulations Improve Sales at Prentice-Hall

What have you done to help your sales team succeed today?

4 comments for How Prentice-Hall uses blogs and podcasts to improve sales

  1. Let’s just hope they have a better outcome than poor Slim!

    Comment by Rich Brooks — February 16, 2006 @ 7:21 am

  2. great stuff

    Comment by andy — March 2, 2006 @ 3:37 am

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    Trackback by naked young girls — March 27, 2006 @ 4:55 am

  4. About seven months ago I started a media production company and we are now specializing in podcasting services. It is definaltly an hit or miss situation with businesses. They don’t yet seem to fully understand the concept of podcasting, and the advantages it can have. Musicians are very interested in it because it gives them an opportunity to expose their music in podcast directories and iTunes. By the end of the year I expect businesses will catch on and start using it reguraly. Why would a business not want to have a video commercial keeping thousands of web users up to date on their comapany, products, and services. It may be a fad right now, but a few years ago blogs were too and about twelve years ago so were websites. If you are looking to stay ahead of the competition, start podcasting!

    Comment by Brian Bakale — April 28, 2006 @ 6:19 pm

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