December 20, 2024

The end of business blogging? I think not.

Posted by: of A View from the Isle on 02/17/06

As Slate morns the end of the business blog, the same day Business Blog Consulting is ranked as one of the top 25 most influential business blogs, the rest of us are just shaking our heads and repeating … it’s the technology stupid. Blogs aren’t and won’t ever be a magic bullet to save bad marketing, blogs and blogging are communications vehicles. Easy ones. Powerful ones. And ones that are here to stay, at least in some form.

So … fellow BBCers … let’s all chime in on this one. Steve, I gotcha here. Here are my two cents. And let the conversation, begin.

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5 comments for The end of business blogging? I think not.

  1. I’d go stronger than you on this one. As communication becomes easier, if you don’t communicate, then it’s assumed that you have something to hide. Would Vice-President Cheney have had such a hard time 20 years ago if he’d had a little shooting accident and didn’t fess up to it? Then just look at the hard time poor old Google is getting by going along with the Chinese wish to restrict communication. Everything is more visible now. So go with the flow. Communicate and the most effective way of doing that is to blog. Blogs will get more and more the only way to go. Only the dinosaurs will try to buck the trend.

    Comment by Barry Welford — February 17, 2006 @ 8:47 pm

  2. Barry, Excellent points. Whenever there is a hot item of controversy, not old do blogs spread the word quickly, some of the best and most cogent debates occur there as well. Of course some of the lamest and silly debates too … but hey that’s life.

    Comment by Tris Hussey — February 17, 2006 @ 8:52 pm

  3. Blogging won’t die per se, it’ll evolve into something different.

    Perhaps, blogging today is merely an evolution from GeoCities of years ago. And in a few years from now, blogs will progress into a different form well suited to adapt to whatever technological changes take place.

    Windows Vista is supposedly going to integrate RSS, just as Windows 95 integrated the web browser. That kind of technological change will foster changes in blog publishing technology.

    Comment by Steve Johnson — February 18, 2006 @ 5:38 am

  4. Top 25 des blogues d’entreprises et d’affaires les plus influents selon Onalytica…

    La firme Onalytica [en] nous offre une étude sur le top 25 des blogues d’affaires les plus influents. Ce livre blanc s’intitule Who are the most influential authorities on “Business Blogging”? [en][pdf].
    Voici les …

    Trackback by Biotope - Blogue de Geoffroi Garon — February 19, 2006 @ 10:06 am

  5. Actually Steve, Having seen Vista and how it handles RSS first hand … I don’t think that’s it. Better RSS reading mechanisms isn’t going to do it. I think what is going to start happening, though, is more sites like this are going to crop up. Gather lots of experts together to write on a given topic. A new version of the newspaper or news magazine.

    Comment by Tris Hussey — February 19, 2006 @ 11:08 am

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