February 21, 2025

Corporate Blogs Best Practices Survey

Posted by: of Online Marketing Blog on 03/17/06

Analysis firm Cymphony and PR agency Porter Novelli have partnered to conduct research into how companies are executing their corporate blog strategy with a research survey called Corporate Blog – Best Practice. If you’re involved with business or corporate blogging, this survey is for you.

Jim Nail of Cymphony emailed me the details:

“The survey is delving into some of the unglamorous but important questions around corporate blogging: who actually manages the blog? Who actually writes the posts? How often? What tools do they use to monitor blogs? How often? There’s lots of talk about the reasons why companies should have blogs and what types of information they should include, but I haven’t seen anything about these practical day-to-day implementation issues that companies need to work out to effectively manage this channel.”

After you take the survey, you have the option of providing contact information to receive a executive summary of the findings and an invitation to a webinar where the full report will be provided.

After getting Jim’s email, I recalled the Blogger Survey conducted by Technorati and Edelman last year that provided some interesting insights focusing on how bloggers interact with companies and PR firms. The Corporate Blog – Best Practice survey focuses more on how businesses use blogs and it will be interesting to compare the results with previous research.

If the name Jim Nail is familiar, I mentioned him in an earlier post on blog buzz from a panel at the New York Search Engine Strategies conference. Jim was at Forrester for 8 years prior to joining Cymphony.

1 comment for Corporate Blogs Best Practices Survey

  1. […] Business Blog Consulting: Corporate Blogs Best Practices Survey Porter Novelli hooks up with Cymfony to figure out where the corporate blog fits into the scheme of things. From discussions with corporations, this is the nitty gritty that is of interest, and I hope that Cymfony and PN can get corporations to answer the questions. […]

    Pingback by Blog Run » Blog Archive » Best Practices in Corp Blogging, Stand Up PR!! and Open Source PR — March 20, 2006 @ 3:04 am

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