February 21, 2025

New CEO Blog Delights the Ducatisti

Posted by: of Thinking Home Business on 03/22/06

Ducati Monster bikeWhen I started riding motor bikes some years ago, for commuting and occasional touring, I was made aware by other riders that Ducati owners were a special breed of enthusiasts. And the machines themselves were clearly serious racing bikes, which I usually saw disappearing very quickly out in front of wherever I was.

I don’t know how many Ducati owners are blogging just now, but my hunch is that the number is about to rise with the news that Federico Minoli, the corporate turnaround man who took the reins at the Italian company some nine years ago, is one of the newest CEO bloggers on the block. Two weeks ago, Minoli and his company launched Desmoblog. The company announced at the time that the blog would tell what is happening at Ducati and in the world of its fans, as well as decisions about new products, Ducati events, business strategies, ‘behind the scenes’ news from the race track and more.

In his welcome to the blog, Minoli says:

This new space online gives me a new way to communicate with colleagues, fans and bikers about my life, my experience with Ducati, the company, the motorcycles and of course Ducati Corse (link added).

The blog and the company website design are seamlessly integrated, and the Desmoblog is bi-lingual, in English as well as Italian.

The announcement of the blog on the Ducati website presents the blog as providing for a dialogue directly between blogger and readers and offers the opportunity of sharing ‘the fever for Ducati’, receiving frank comments from fans and replying directly.

Podcasts are also foreshadowed.

The many comments on the Desmoblog site in just two weeks, some in English, some in Italian, suggest that the ‘Ducatisti’ tribe has taken up the challenge with gusto, as for example in the comments on Minoli’s After the race March 11 post from Daytona. 

I acknowledge Diego Rodriguez’s well-named metacool blog for the link and for interesting comments on the Desmoblog and its role in Ducati’s “tribal marketing” strategy.

1 comment for New CEO Blog Delights the Ducatisti

  1. I’m an MV Agusta man myself, but that’s for another post 🙂

    Ducati has actually been pretty progressive about using online media to reinforce the relationship they have with their customers. They were a pretty well publicized example for using the web for product management processes, using owners to vet the new model design planning and rollout.

    Comment by jeff nolan — March 22, 2006 @ 5:09 pm

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