February 22, 2025

Timber: Business Blogs Are Tipping

Posted by: of Diva Marketing Blog on 04/24/06

At the University of Delaware, Alex Brown is challenging the next generation of business leaders to think new world/web 2.0 marketing. Prof Brown is teaching a class called Infotech Applications in Marketing. Not only does a blog support the course but students are expected to blog and comment.

Do the kids get it? I’ll say they do. Here’s a snip from a post by Mark Muller – Have We Wasted 4 Years Here?

The problem i have with this is not that fact that Mr. Cherkoff said it, it is the fact that i realized today that i have been learning “old” marketing techniques at this “old” school. The University obviously needs to do something about its curriculum and innovate.

[Note: James Cherkoff was a guest speaker.]

Business is changing. Maketing is changing. Hope there are a few college deans who are listening in and taking Mark’s advice to heart to innovate their curriculum.

How will marketing studies be structured in the future? Will there be classes on buzz marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, blogging, building communities? Will blogs projects be on a class blog or wiki? Will Marketing 101 include how to integrate podcasts, vlogs and “clouds” into campaigns?
And .. true to the blogosphere, you never know who might be listening in. Gary Spangler, global ebusiness manager for DuPoint, commented on Mark’s post about blog ethics. Perhaps Mark can include it in his CV when he applies for a job. CMP Media, The Thompson Corporation and Mansueto Ventures (Fast Company) all have positions that require blogging experience.

3 comments for Timber: Business Blogs Are Tipping

  1. Yes, it is true.America is both economically and technically highly advanced. That is why everything changes at a very fast pace. I think american universities should start considering blogs and other internet websites where people interact a lot.

    Comment by S.M.Mehdi Hassan — May 1, 2006 @ 3:18 am

  2. ” Will Marketing 101 include how to integrate podcasts, vlogs and “cloudsâ€? into campaigns?”
    Yes, I think that it will be much more than this. Within the next 2 years almost all the major companies in the west will add a blog and blog will be considered as an essential part of CRM.

    Comment by Razib Ahmed — May 1, 2006 @ 3:27 am

  3. The Cluetrain Manifesto speaks of markets as conversations. That being the case, then marketers have an increasing legitimate and critical role to play in those conversations. It is time for companies and their marketers to understand and learn how to interface with the new, social media. it is also, I think, an inspiration that Alex Brown has involved his class at the University of Delaware in blogging and interactive marketing.

    Gary Spangler
    E-Business, DuPont

    Comment by Gary Spangler — May 4, 2006 @ 3:11 pm

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