February 21, 2025

Is your company considering a blog ban?

Posted by: of Made for Marketing on 05/10/06

It was only a matter of time. Just as employers have clauses in their HR documentation about drug and alcohol use, it appears that blogs may soon join the ranks of contraband in the halls of some corporations.

According to an article in ABC NewsOnline, Australia, the authors of a new book “Uses of Blogs” have a detailed chapter on blogging and the law which highlight the wishes of some employers to ban blogging in the workplace. This is common sense -don’t blog on personal time. However, the lines could, and will, quickly blur as to how far this extends into the personal lives of employees.

“Employers are now considering including specific blogging provisions in employment contracts,” the authors write in Uses of Blogs, a book to be published later this year.

While I’m not an attorney, I’m projecting that the real enforceability of a no-blogging clause in an employment will be vetted in court after someone’s fired for a breach of contract.

Would anyone say, “sorry, I have to decline your offer as working for your company would keep me from blogging.” We’ll see…

1 comment for Is your company considering a blog ban?

  1. Well, blogs can certainly cause as much damage to a company as a drunk or high employee.

    One small note with your entry — I believe you meant to write “This is common sense -don’t blog on company time.” 😉

    ~ Teli

    Comment by Teli Adlam — May 13, 2006 @ 12:51 am

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