February 22, 2025

JupiterResearch – Soon To Be A Corporate Blog World

Posted by: of Diva Marketing Blog on 06/28/06

Recently JupiterResearch dropped a media release that has the social media scene buzzing. And well it should for the prestigious JupiterResearch’s study revealed that “… 35 percent of large companies plan to institute corporate Weblogs this year. Combined with the existing deployed base of 34 percent, nearly 70 percent of all site operators will have implemented corporate blogs by the end of 2006.”

That’s significant. Actually, I found that to be a little too signifcant.

According the Fortune 500 Business Blogging Wiki (written by Chris Andersen of Wired and Ross Mayfield of Socialtext) Wiki to as of April 18, 2006 29 (5.8%) of Fortune 500 companies had a blog. If JupiterResearch’s analysis is correct and “nearly 70% of all site operators will have implemented corporate blogs by the end of 2006” a lot of Fortune 500s (not to mention other large companies) are are going to be pretty busy building blogs during the next six month.

Even though I admit to a drink of that kool-aid every now and again, this sounded strange. I shot an email off to Peter Arnold Associates (PR agency) explaining that I was working in the social media space, was a blogger and wanted to post their client’s findings. I explained I found the analysis odd and asked for clarification on the methodolgy, how JupiterResearch defined “corporations” and “large companies” and how they came to their conclusions.

I received two lovely responses. The first: “Let me check in with someone on the research team at JupiterResearch to find answers to your questions. I’ll be back in touch as soon as I hear.”

The second: “Information about JupiterResearch reports are available to accredited members of the press for free and clients.

After looking at your blog link JupiterResearch has decided not to fulfill your request for more information since the blog* is closely tied with your company that serves as a consultancy. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this earlier, I didn’t realize that your company and blog were so closely affiliated.

If you’d like more information about becoming a client or purchasing a report, please let me know.”

Bloggers have gotten called on the carpet for jumping the gun and posting without fact checking. While we’re not journalists, the majority of business bloggers do feel an obligation to their readers to present accurate information.

BBC readers, I tried to find out the story behind the numbers for you before I posted that I thought these findings were .. shall we say out of the ball park optimistic. Based on the information presented in their media release, I caution you to look at JupiterResearch’s conclusions with with a few grains of salt.

If anyone has read the report and can explain how “nearly 70 percent of all site operators will have implemented corporate blogs by the end of 2006” please drop a comment. I sure would like to know.

6 comments for JupiterResearch – Soon To Be A Corporate Blog World

  1. Great points…its a long way from 5.8% to the Jupiter numbers. Some clarification on definitions would help…too bad they weren’t willing to substantiate their numbers for you.

    Comment by Marianne Richmond — June 29, 2006 @ 1:56 am

  2. I guess between now and then if you are a blog business, business will be good!

    Comment by Jim Turner — June 29, 2006 @ 3:19 pm

  3. Jupiter’s numbers seem off the wall, and far too high. I do some blog consulting in Silicon Valley as part of my communications business, and from my experience we’ll be lucky to hit 70% in 3 to 5 years–let alone by the end of this year. I’m assuming they’re talking about official corporate blogging programs–it’s hard to tell from the flimsy release. And too bad they blew you off when you asked about the numbers. Speaking as a former Business Week Writer, though, I can tell you these numbers need to be scrutinized carefully.

    Comment by mark — June 29, 2006 @ 4:34 pm

  4. More than feeling a bit surprised at the figures given by JupiterResearch, I am aghast at how they treated you when you wanted them to substantiate their study. I am fine with businesses putting up their own blogs. I just hope they won’t use for grandstanding.

    Comment by Meikah Delid — July 4, 2006 @ 3:27 am

  5. JupiterResearch corporate weblog survey…

    Great news! Jupiter research released a study that, if correct, indicates that blog consultants are going to be very busy this year! Findings from the JupiterResearch study on corporate blogging:

    35 percent of large companies plan to institute corpor…

    Trackback by Corporate Blogging 101 — July 8, 2006 @ 2:23 pm

  6. some people say “time answers any question”. 2006 is over, it’s now 2007. so toby, what do you think about the survey result, was it accurate or a bit overrated?

    Comment by nuniek tirta — April 11, 2007 @ 4:17 am

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