February 21, 2025

TypePad Adds Technorati Tag Support

Adding Technorati tags to posts has never been easy in TypePad. In fact, I created a little movie a while back so that clients could watch it as many times as they like.

But now TypePad has added a Technorati Tags field near the bottom the New Post page. Just separate your tags with commas and you’re all set. No need to muck around with the Edit HTML tab.

While this is a good solution for most users, not being able to get under-the-hood does frustrate me on a few points:

  • I don’t like to brand my tags as “Technorati Tags.” I prefer the more agnostic “Tags.”
  • I like the flexibility of sending those links to places other than the Technorati tag pages. I.e., a tag on Search Engine Optimization could point to my page on SEO at my own Web site.
  • I prefer pipes over commas. (I know, small thing.)

However, if you’re a TypePad user and you’ve wanted to take advantage of tags (which help drive additional traffic to your site) without learning HTML, this is a great solution for you.

Now, what to do with my movie?

1 comment for TypePad Adds Technorati Tag Support

  1. I use a customized version of moveable type with a ping and also keyword window. I have to say that while I have never seen much difference in traffic to individual posts based on keyword, there is a marked difference based on the sheer number of services I place in my ping window. I use addresses compiled by Ping Goat and Ping-O-Matic, but to be honest have never had the same success by doing the ping through either of those sites themselves. For some reason, I seem to notice much more traffic if I load the addresses into the ping window on my edit page than if I load my URL onto a site and ping it from there.

    Comment by Shawn A. Hessinger — August 1, 2006 @ 2:19 pm

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