February 22, 2025

Does ranking feeds make sense?

Posted by: of billflitter on 07/26/06
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Steve Rubel thinks Yahoo! may be ranking RSS feeds. Jeremy Zawodny from Yahoo! responds in the comments.

If this is true, what is the ranking based on, traffic? As a seller of RSS ad inventory, not all feeds are created equally. Measuring traffic alone doesn’t work in the advertising world. What is more important is who is reading it (demographics, decision makers, etc) and how active the feed is. Feeds that have 50 subscribers can make just as much money as those with 1,000. It all depends on the audience it reaches.

If your a blogger looking to generate revenue from your feed, don’t be too concerned about the size of the feed. If you are reaching a highly engaged audience that advertisers want to speak with, your feeds may be more valuable than you realize. However, if you do have a feed that is not highly targeted or the content is not tighly focused, don’t expect the money truck to be backing up to your front door anytime soon.

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