February 21, 2025

Sorry Strumpette, Your Corporate Blogging’s Dead Riff Is Oh So Clever But It’s Not accurate

Posted by: of BlogWrite for CEOs on 07/26/06

Strumpy (aka Amanda Chapel / anonymous PR blogger / tall, athletic, Pantene shoulder-length black hair, perfect perky boobs – ed. note: you’ve got to be kidding) is all fired up today with his/her new meme: The Death of Corporate Blogging.

God, (s)he’s clever the way she/he/it writes.

But (s)he’s wrong: corporate blogging – or at least the widespread use of blogging as a business communications tool is NOT dead. And I’m not just saying that because my new book, The Corporate Blogging Book (Penguin Portfolio August 2006), is coming out next week.

Well OK that’s one reason I’m saying it.

Corporate blogging is just getting started

The real reason is oh so simple. Far from being dead, corporate blogging – the use of a blog either internally or externally as part of a company’s online communications and marketing toolkit – is just getting started.

As Ken Yarmosh, who live-blogged my Washington DC book launch yesterday, put it:

“Despite the echoes we often hear in the halls of geek-dom, the blogosphere is not saturated yet. There are many, many more voices to come, blogging on everything from finance to real estate, to yes, even air conditioners. And I know, because I’ve met them this afternoon.” – Ken Y.

Look, I’m sifting through the stack of business cards I got yesterday and here are the kinds of corporate blogging wannabes who attended (I won’t use specific names out of respect for their privacy): commercial real estate, attorney-at-law, non-profit foundation, custom publishing group, government affairs office, board of trade, three or four national associations and so on.

Strumpy, read my book

Strumpy, read my book for god’s sake and maybe you’ll get it. I make a lot of points. Three of the key ones are this:

It’s not about being cool

Corporate blogging is not about being cool. It’s about following your customers where they’re going… and that’s online. You gotta be there to interact with your customers. It’s that simple. Blogging enables an instant (or almost) conversation with them. And that’s what people want. They want to be heard. They want to be acknowledged. Then they’re more apt to do business with you and your organization.

A blog is just a publishing platform
A blog is just a platform, a powerful, simple, inexpensive Web publishing system. Why in heck wouldn’t most companies adopt this platform? Call it Web 2.0. Call it common sense. Call it budget cutting. Who needs a whole IT department that takes months to update a page on a corporate site, when a non-techie manager can do it in minutes with blogging software?

Customers are driving this – not consultants
The new world that PR practitioners, marketing strategists and other consultants are touting is here. We haven’t concocted it as a way to line our pockets with gold. Marketing has become a two-way conversation between customer and corporation. The big guys at the top have lost control or at least complete control. A lot of the best creative stuff (new ideas, great writing) is bubbling up from below.

With 40,000 or 60,000 or whatever new videos being posted everyday to YouTube, with trackbacks and tagging and RSS and digging and Technorati and del.ici.ous and all that cool stuff innovating, fine tuning and becoming easier for the non-techie to use every day… well I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that corporate blogging is here to stay.

Remember, those ordinary people are customers. They’re driving this thing. Not the corporate blogging consultants.

Sorry Strumpy, stuff it.

Update: See here.
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2 comments for Sorry Strumpette, Your Corporate Blogging’s Dead Riff Is Oh So Clever But It’s Not accurate

  1. When a Girl Says “Yes,� But Means “No�:
    A Review of The Corporate Blogging Book

    Odd twist: the other day I reviewed a work of fiction that was fabulous because of how well it portrayed reality. Today, regrettably I am reviewing a non-fiction that’s absolutely awful because of how much it distorts reality. Excuse me but I’ll take an honest lie over a surreptitious fact any day. This review is about the latter. I just read the first chapter of The Corporate Blogging Book by Debbie Weil. Well… Weil ain’t real!

    How do we know? Did we get Debbie to submit to a polygraph?

    Didn’t have to. See, a polygraph detects a lie by measuring slight physiological changes that occur in the body when a person is being deceptive. When someone lies, numerous physiological changes occur: increase or decrease in blood volume, increase or decrease of the heart rate, changes in respiration, perspiration. But sometimes the internal psychological conflict of the liar is so bad that it is readily apparent without the need for any apparatus. Sometimes when a girl says “yes,” it is completely obvious she means “no.” That’s what Debbie does with her book. It is an inane “How Toâ€? that ironically does more to say “If You’re Smart, Don’t!!â€?



    Comment by Amanda Chapel — July 29, 2006 @ 2:00 pm

  2. I don’t work in PR. I am an artist and blogger. My experience with Amanda I will never forget. She is in one word just a plain !@#$*. She is definitely everything that is wrong with the media and the people behind it. She has real issues with freedom of speech. I tried commenting nicely on her blog and it is like dealing with the “Borg” Queen. I almost don’t want to make this comment because it might give her more exposure. I am getting so used to censorship because of her and my experience on facebook that I am afraid to use a word to describe her. I saw that Amanda Chapel used TWITTER, except when she uses the site the “I” becomes an “A”

    Comment by Noah David Simon — October 7, 2007 @ 6:31 am

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