February 22, 2025

Why I Don’t Believe in Anonymous (Corporate) Blogging… Strumpette, You Can Stuff It

Posted by: of BlogWrite for CEOs on 07/24/06

Because it’s bogus.

What I mean is that, as amusing or clever as anonymous blogging can be (of course sometimes it’s nasty), it’s still slippery. Only half credible. And therefore ultimately an artifice. It’s not real. It’s not *authentic.* It doesn’t carry the weight of legitimate commentary.

The obvious, of course, is that an anonymous blogger is cloaked by er, anonymity, and can toss grenades at anyone or any company without fear of being personally attacked in return.

By contrast, the essence of effective business or corporate blogging is that it *reveals* something about the individual blogger… his or her smarts about a particular issue or discipline. We are usually as interested in the “who” of a good corporate blog, as in the “what.”

And the connection with Strumpette is…


Ooooh too cool… here’s my back and forth with Amanda Chapel (aka Strumpette) that clarifies what I’m trying to say about anonymity as it relates to corporate blogging.

4 comments for Why I Don’t Believe in Anonymous (Corporate) Blogging… Strumpette, You Can Stuff It

  1. Debbie I 100% agree with you for business blogs. Personal blogs are another story, of course. You do have to wonder, as you’ve pointed out, if the person is spinning a yarn or giving us a slice of life.

    Comment by Tris Hussey — July 24, 2006 @ 2:58 pm

  2. Debbie,

    With regard to anonymity… excuse me, if Benjamin Franklin were alive, he surely would have an anonymous blog. Franklin truths invariably arrived under a variety of names. Ol’ Ben knew that those he put a spotlight on would seek to crush him.

    Here’s what I suggest: First, think before you talk. Also, get off your high horse. Considering it’s PR, and that you’re a blogging coach, your self-righteous assertion is pretty ridiculous.

    – Amanda

    Comment by Amanda Chapel — July 24, 2006 @ 4:40 pm

  3. Sorry, but I don’t agree with you. I see no reason why a company can effectively create fictional characters for its marketing and public relations (think Ronald McDonald, for example) but is constrained by some arbitrary rules to only have “real” people and “authentic voices” for its blogging efforts.

    Having said that, I haven’t yet seen a *good* fictitious weblog, but then again, I also haven’t seen a lot of really compelling business blogs overall.

    Comment by Dave Taylor — July 25, 2006 @ 12:57 am

  4. Anonymous blogging has a place – in media, in politics, and and your personal life.

    There is danger in saying what you really think, and thus the reasons to stay anonymous – anyone who has been on the end of a prank call campaign, or has had their place of business called for what they wrote on the web has learned the value of anonymity.

    You can build credibility with an anonymous name, but it’s obviously harder than with your own name and experience.

    As for Strumpette, well, that’s a bad example no matter what your position. Using Strumpette for an argument is like claiming Wonkette was ever truly a political blog.

    A compan

    Comment by Jim Durbin — July 26, 2006 @ 7:38 am

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