March 31, 2025

When negativity strikes, a couple of tips

Posted by: of A View from the Isle on 08/29/06

This was going to a post about “Don’t blog when you’re angry”, but as I thought about it, it became, how to handle negative posts or comments.

Negative comments (especially) and posts are two of the biggest fears new business bloggers have.  “What if they say something not nice about us?”  “What if they don’t like our product or brand?”  Well, let’s face it, even Mother Teresa had critics, so don’t feel like people aren’t already saying negative stuff about you.  The question is then, what do I do?

So imagine this.  You’re skimming your Technorati feed of blog links/mentions (psst, this is a hint, you should be doing this) or looking at the new comments on your most recent post.  Then you see it.  The post or comment you’ve been dreading.  It’s negative.  It’s charged.  Maybe even saying things that they wouldn’t say in front of their mother.  Your blood pressure has just gone through the roof.  Your blood is boiling.  Basically, you’re pissed.

You get to the page.  You’re ready to respond.  You’re fingers are poised over the keyboard … STOP.  Wait.  Huh?  I thought the blogosphere was all about immediacy and stuff?  Yes, it is, but think for a moment here.  Are you in the best mood to respond right now?  Maybe, just maybe, there is a grain of truth.  Maybe there is some constructive criticism there.  So … take a break.  Bookmark it, leave it open, whatever, just step back for a moment and chill.

When you’re a little more calm, re-read the post or comment.  See if there is something good that can be taken from it.  Think of a polite response.  Resist the temptation to stoop to negativity and such.  Then, as hard and stupid as it might seem, personally e-mail the author.  Maybe you have an ally and you don’t know it.  Maybe you’ll learn something.  Maybe you’ll get kudos for just being real.

Just remember, don’t post or comment pissed off.  Chances are you’ll regret it.

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2 comments for When negativity strikes, a couple of tips

  1. I understand that it can be upsetting to pour your heart out on a blogg and have someone give you a hard time but at least you have some feed back and negative or positive its still an opinion. Hope thats not negative

    Comment by Jax — August 30, 2006 @ 7:37 am

  2. I heartily agree with the sentiment of your post. The one thing I find useful, as a person, is to do something to release the emotion that is bursting to get out. Now, some people will go to the gym to thrash the machines and punch something, which is great (release endorphins, etc…). Many others don’t have that type of lifestyle, so the physical vent does not exist. Hence the pressure builds up in their head and will eventually come out somewhere.

    For me, yes I try to use the physical route to release pent up aggression but this is not always possible or practical, so I have a personal blog that I use to let it all out. The best thing is it’s not part of a domain that will be spidered and it was free. I do not ever expect it to appear on any search engines and I have no links to the sub-domain at all.

    Now I’m not going to advertise any service provider or even my blog as that would defeat the object. I do recommend that if you do have a tendency to “shoot your mouth off�, you may wish to follow this route. If you get your thoughts down in writing and then look back at them in a few days time it may seem a lot clearer. Ultimately you should be able to articulate your point with much more brevity and authority.

    Think of it as a little self therapy, capture the raw emotion and then later harness the thought with greater clarity.

    But don’t go blasting your bad day all over other peoples sites, cause you won’t be able to take it back later…

    Comment by business consultant — September 1, 2006 @ 5:41 am

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