March 15, 2025

“Blogger and Podcaster” magazine? Huh?

Okay, so I’m more than a bit puzzled to learn about a new print magazine being launched in January, Blogger and Podcaster. But not because of the fact that it’s a magazine because I get a number of magazines about Internet-related topics, including webmaster publications and, heck, I’m a contributor to the affiliate marketing magazine Revenue.

What baffles me is that it’s an online only magazine, what they’re calling a “digital form only” publication.

Now think about this. The publisher, Larstan Publishing, is focused on blogging, but instead of creating a blog with advertising to address this market, they’re doing a “digital form only” trade magazine that I’m sure will be just a monster PDF emailed to subscribers monthly.

From the world of traditional publishing, this probably makes some modicum of sense. After all, you can hire sales managers from other magazines, people experienced in the world of print. I’ve been involved with print publications for decades now, and have spent many an hour [drinking beer] with ad sales people, so I know this perspective well.

From the perspective of us already mired in the world of blogging, however, a once-monthly PDF email is about the most brain-dead solution a company could use when addressing this market. Successfully tapping into the blogging zeitgeist, if you will, is all about timeliness, fluidity and being assimilated by the blogosphere. Or, heck, putting it all in print and having a print magazine that we can touch, a la WIRED.

Is there anyone out there who can explain to me the logic behind Larstan’s plan with its “digital form” magazine for the blogosphere and world of podcasters and how it makes any sense at all?

My prediction: this project will die a painful death and “Blogger and Podcaster” will be gone within four issues.

What do you think?

7 comments for “Blogger and Podcaster” magazine? Huh?

  1. This is crazy! The fact that it’s a ‘TV’ guide makes the digital form solution even more ridiculous… forget syndicating your favourite shows to Bloglines or iTunes, that would be way too practical.

    They’ve blown the opportunity to establish an open directory of content listing for syndication. How could a blogging and podcasting publication be so out of touch, out of style and out of mind? This almost feels like some sort of prank!

    Comment by Andy Howard — September 7, 2006 @ 8:00 am

  2. […] The latest post, entitled “Blogger and Podcaster” magazine? Huh?” displayed the following in my feed reader (and yes, I have my reader set to display full content if available): Okay, so I’m more than a bit puzzled to learn about a new print magazine being launched in January, Blogger and Podcaster. But not because of the fact that it’s a magazine because I get a number of magazines about Internet-related topics, including webmaster publications and, heck, I’m a contributor … […]

    Pingback by Tom Markiewicz » Start to publish RSS feeds smarter — September 7, 2006 @ 2:00 pm

  3. I don’t see this catching on as well. There are way too many free e-reports and e-zines out there for people to grab any time they please, especially within the online marketing realm. Although you have expenses with the print version, many of these expenses can be covered via advertising blocks. Since a print version is tangible, steep advertising costs can be justified.

    I truly believe that a “touchable” magazine for this medium can reach more readers than a digital version, for the simple fact that it is somewhat unique for the field it is being distributed to.

    Comment by John Hinkle — September 13, 2006 @ 1:35 pm

  4. They are also a SPAMMER. I received two from them so far.

    What legitimate place spams to get their customers?

    Comment by Phyllis — April 20, 2007 @ 3:07 pm

  5. […] Dave Taylor seems to think Blogger & Podcaster is doomed to certain failure. What do you think? Is it something you would read regularly? […]

    Pingback by Will You Read A Blogging Magazine? - Dawud Miracle @ - (formerly Healthy WebDesign) — April 24, 2007 @ 7:18 am

  6. Dave, we just released Blogger & Podcaster magazine a couple days ago. Was hoping you’d give us a second look. Just go to and click on the issue cover to access our digital issue.

    Thanks for keeping an open mind!

    – Larry
    Blogger & Podcaster Magazine

    Comment by Larry Genkin — April 24, 2007 @ 8:05 am

  7. […] thing that kept going through my mind was Dave Talyor’s thought that this should not be a magazine, but rather a blog. It is almost as if he thinks that anything […]

    Pingback by - » Is an Online Blogging Magazine an Oxymoron? — May 3, 2007 @ 1:38 pm

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