February 22, 2025

VideoBlogging: A Great Option for Corporate Bloggers

Posted by: of andrewbourland on 09/18/06

There was quite a bit of controversy over at TechMeme this past weekend over the question of whether bloggers should videoblog or just stick to text.

I’d like to weigh in on this issue, given my credentials as a brand spankin new videoblogger that just launched a new business oriented videoblog (we interview entrepreneurs from early stage companies).

For the most part, sticking to text is best. It’s easier, cheaper and far less work and maintenance than having to put up a videocast of whatever you would normally blog about. People can scan text quicker and it’s easier to reprint a particularly informative blog entry to pass around the office.

But there are times where video could come in real handy…

An interview with a key player at your company or within your industry.

A quick demo of a new product or service you are launching.

Some quick interviews with partners and clients you run into at a conference or trade show.

A Channel 9 type “mini-documentary” of projects you have underway and the people in charge.

Video helps you capture that human essence that words cannot always do… An expression on a person’s face, the tone of their voice, a hesitation in saying something… Impossible to capture in text. Easy on video.

You don’t necessarily need a production grade videocamera, special lighting or even a studio to add video to your blog. The resources you need are surprisingly affordable and easy to use.

Bottom line, it’s not an either/or question… really more of a “which is more appropriate for what I’m trying to communicate here?” type of a question.

Video is growing in leaps and bounds on the net, and it behooves you to learn how best you can benefit from it.

4 comments for VideoBlogging: A Great Option for Corporate Bloggers

  1. Videoblogging for Corporate Bloggers. Yay or Nay?…

    I say Nay right now.Given the title of Andrew Bourland’s post – VideoBlogging – A Great Option for Corporate Bloggers – I expected Andrew to try to convince me that video blogging was the way to go in the corporate……

    Trackback by BizPodcasting — September 19, 2006 @ 7:07 am

  2. As the title says, it’s a great option. Not the only option. But one corporate bloggers should definitely add to their bag of tricks.



    Comment by Andrew Bourland — September 20, 2006 @ 2:42 pm

  3. Nice way of putting it, Andrew. Hopefully soon webcams and blogs and blog search will all improve to where we could easily be posting this very conversation in video as well as text form (if we wanted to).

    Comment by Easton Ellsworth — September 20, 2006 @ 3:00 pm

  4. Thanks, Easton… Actually, that day is coming very soon. All the new MacBooks have iSight videocams and microphones built right into them, so it will be possible to make video commentary on the fly and the post it before you know it. If we found a clever programmer, we could probably have a WordPress plugin built that could support that very capability in a very short time.



    Comment by Andrew Bourland — September 20, 2006 @ 3:11 pm

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