February 21, 2025

Edelman responds with a plan, will it be enough?

Posted by: of A View from the Isle on 10/21/06

I caught on Steve’s blog last night and via Jeff Jarvis this morning, Richard Edelman’s blog what is an interesting follow up to yesterday’s news about Wal-Mart (Walgate? Floggergate?).

From Richard Edelman’s blog:

  • We are undertaking a thorough audit around the world to ensure we apply best practice guidelines to every program in every market and specialty area.
  • We are requiring that all employees attend an Edelman University class on ethics in social media, hosted by members of me2revolution team as well as external experts. This will take place before the end of next week
  • We are establishing a 24/7 hotline so our me2revolution team can review, provide counsel and apply best practice guidelines on social media programs before their implementation. This ensures that programs adhere to the WOMMA guidelines or best-in-class standards around the world.
  • We are creating ethics materials that will be distributed to each office and all new hires.

This is just the beginning. We recognize we have further to go. You can and should be helping us. I appreciate all the invaluable feedback you have provided during this week–and we have taken action on at least of one of your comments. If there any other actions that you would advise us to consider, I would welcome them.

The question is then, is this enough?  On the surface, I’d say it’s a really good start.  Time is going to have to tell though.  I suggested in a comment on Richard’s blog that they need to tout some successes and start a blog with a client that really follows all the principles and ethos of WOMMA.  And hire some outside biz bloggers as coaches wouldn’t hurt either.

You can bet this is going to be talked about at Blog Business Summit next week!

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2 comments for Edelman responds with a plan, will it be enough?

  1. plan? that is not a plan — it is spin.

    Comment by LL — October 23, 2006 @ 8:26 pm

  2. This series on the Wal-Mart/Edelman case is really interesting. Here’s a good real business case that should make for a few good discussions in MBA classes and PR training sessions! I have a couple of clients who like to read on this one. (I think they are learning something!)

    And you are doing a fantastic job of bringing up news and thoughts on the subject! Thx.

    P.S. If you read French, know that BusBlogConsulting is now linked on the Montréal Marketing Association official blog in this article. And now of course on my business blogroll. 😉

    Comment by François La Roche — November 12, 2006 @ 8:47 am

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