February 21, 2025

Defining ROI on Business Blogs: HubSpot.com cracks the code and delivers solid answers

Posted by: of andrewbourland on 11/6/06

No doubt about it: the most complex problem business bloggers face is coming up with a clear definition of what ROI their blog has produced.

How many sales did it result in? How many subscriptions did it sell? How many seats to your conference did it fill? How many solid leads did it generate for your sales force?

Brian Halligan, a former VP of Sales at Groove Networks and MIT Sloan graduate launched Hubspot.com to provide solid answers to that very problem. Hubspot tracks visitors at each stage of involvement in your blog’s content, and tracks that visitor as they move down the funnel to an actual sale. Every day and with every post and with every event you can track where you stand with the visitors you have attracted to your website.

Though still in beta mode, Hubspot.com’s solution is definitely worth checking out.

If you would like to hear the full story, watch the video above.

It’s not too long, just under 20 minutes. Time well invested, given the amount of time you would otherwise spend wracking your brain seeking answers to this very complex problem.

3 comments for Defining ROI on Business Blogs: HubSpot.com cracks the code and delivers solid answers

  1. […] Hubspot’s website analytics software takes the old marketing and sales funnel, extends it and then bolts engagement stats onto the side. By measuring and tracking subscribers, visitors, commentators, etc they aim to be able to pinpoint where visitors are in the sales process. The principle is that interaction helps push prospects further down the funnel and that it can be identified when they are ready to receive their first sales call. […]

    Pingback by Searching for the ROI of Engagement Marketing | The Copywriter’s Crucible — November 8, 2006 @ 11:34 am

  2. Excellent interview with Brian Halligan of HubSpot… Interesting and educational, especially relative to the needs of very small business (VSBs)!

    Andrew, you did an awesome job as video interviewer!

    Comment by Sheamus — November 8, 2006 @ 5:00 pm

  3. Thanks Sheamus! I appreciate the compliment.

    Comment by Andrew Bourland — November 12, 2006 @ 7:42 pm

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