February 21, 2025

Viral Marketing with Blogs

Posted by: of Online Marketing Blog on 11/29/06

On my own blog, I’ve written several times lately on how blogs can be effective tools for viral marketing campaigns. One can look no further than the One Red Paperclip promotion for an example of how these kinds of viral campaigns using blogs can work.

A recent viral campaign using a blog that is under way now is My Super Proposal. This is about a guy, “JP” that is trying to catch the attention of a major advertiser to foot the bill for a commercial where he’ll propose to his girlfriend during the Super Bowl. Doritos and the NFL.com are currently running such contests. He’s staying somewhat anonymous so as not to tip off his girlfriend.

A blogger and search marketing friend of mine, Joe Morin has connected with JP to help him promote the site and get media coverage. More about how that all started here.

The blog started out asking for donations big and small in order to raise $2+ million for a Super Bowl commercial, but those ads are now all sold out. He did manage to raise $74k though, which if not spent on a commercial, will be donated to a children’s hospital.

This Super Bowl Proposal blog has been covered by the likes of AdRants & AdJab already and there’s even an interview with “JP� over at the Nashville City Paper. NPR and USA Today should be running stories soon along with some buzz within the blog and search marketing communities such as this post on the Search Engine Watch blog.

Should JP pull this off, or even get close, it promises to be one of the more creative ways to use a blog for viral marketing and hopefully make a young lady very happy.

1 comment for Viral Marketing with Blogs

  1. Hey Lee,

    Thanks for your article. I’ve been running a blog at http://www.nationwidenetworking.com and am currently doing research on how to really get it off the ground. I believe my biggest challenge is keeping it up to date and relevant to the readers.

    Thank you for the above article, you gave me some really good ideas…

    keep up the great work.



    Comment by Ben Angel - Nationwide Networking — December 10, 2006 @ 5:20 pm

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