December 20, 2024

More Benefits of WordPress for Sites other than Blogs

In speaking last week with friend and colleague Alan Rimm-Kaufman, he told me of his company’s plans to switch their company’s site to WordPress. Very timely that he would mention that to me given my recent post about WordPress for non-blogs. I asked Alan to write these points up, they were so good. He agreed, and blogged it. In summary, Alan says WordPress provides company site owners with:

  • editing without needing to know HTML
  • easy handling of “rolling events” like speaking engagements
  • post-dating of articles so they can automatically “go live” on the scheduled date (as is required with embargoed articles until their print publication date)
  • reader participation through comments
  • organization of the content using tags
  • seamless handling of pre-existing URLs
  • easy addition of new functionality (because it is “open source”)
  • free support by the very responsive developer and user communities

I’ll just piggy-back on Alan’s points a bit:

  • Because WordPress is such a popular blogging platform, it’s easy to find developers to work on it. It also certainly doesn’t hurt that WordPress is written in PHP — the most popular programming language on the planet!
  • WordPress is easily extensible through the use of plugins. Many hundreds of plugins exist already. It’s also pretty easy (if you’re a developer) to write your own plugins. That’s a lot more elegant that directly hacking the WordPress code base.
  • Maintaining inlinks to former URLs can often be accomplished just by making the “post slugs” (filenames) consistent with the old site then adding a rewrite rule to the .htaccess file that maps to the new URL structure. If that’s not possible, you can always create a comprehensive list of 301 (permanent-style) redirects to add to your .htaccess file.

So I made my case for running WordPress on non-blogs, based primarily on the positive impact on SEO that you’ll get out of doing so. This rounds out the reasons for switching to include compelling reasons beyond just search rankings.

Actually, I’ll add one more. WordPress allows you to add cool sidebar widgets, such as the Swicki buzzcloud, with the greatest of ease. I love widgets! (A swicki, by the way, is a custom search engine, like this one, and a buzzcloud is a tagcloud type thing but of popular searches rather than tags, like the one in the right column on my daughter’s Neopets Cheats site.)

6 comments for More Benefits of WordPress for Sites other than Blogs

  1. I have been following posts on this subject and see one important problem using WordPress as a CMS platform: Modularity.

    when used as a CMS, WordPress will show it’s limits sooner or later, depending on the web site development.

    The way I see it, if there is a sudden need for specific content management the only way out is to develop new functionalities.

    On the other hand using stable open source platforms such as Joomla! provides scalability.

    I would tend to recommend an integration of CMS and WordPress side by side. This has been our experience over the past 2 years.


    Comment by Sante — December 19, 2006 @ 4:39 pm

  2. […] Why should you use WordPress for your website? Because Business Blog consulting says there are More Benefits of WordPress for Sites other than Blogs. […]

    Pingback by Okay, I give up and I’m sharing, and I’ll call them… — December 20, 2006 @ 11:34 pm

  3. Why I wouldn’t use WordPress as a Content Management System (CMS)…

    I have been following posts from Stephan Spencer n how to use WordPress as a Content Management System (CMS) rathern than a blogging platform. My point of view differs and hope to positive contribute to the debate …


    Trackback by Sante's Blog — December 21, 2006 @ 4:37 pm

  4. […] Today I’ve been working on a website redesign for TLCmagic. Bill and I wanted something simple, fluid, and functional. We decided to try out WordPress for this transition after we read this article . In that article they mention these as reasons to base a website off of WordPress: * editing without needing to know HTML […]

    Pingback by Design Ninjas » Blog Archive » WordPress Website — January 18, 2007 @ 6:01 pm

  5. […] the entire article at, here. 08 Apr 07 | Why Blogs?, Tips and […]

    Pingback by More Benefits of WordPress for Sites other than Blogs « Lucas Sawyer Consulting : Minneapolis, MN - Website Development, SEO for WordPress CMS/Blogging Platform — April 10, 2007 @ 1:50 pm

  6. […] was just reading a short post from the folks at called More Benefits of WordPress for Sites other than Blog. They talk about whether it’s prudent or not to create business blogs using the WordPress […]

    Pingback by » Blogging for Business: A Good Idea or Bad? — March 14, 2009 @ 2:29 pm

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